birthing story


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Hi, :dance:

Was induced last Wednesday (20th July) at 11am via pessery... and had another one around 5pm; Labour started that evening around 11pm...

I was told I was not in labour, but I was and had dilated by 4cm. It was painful, there is no doubt it hurts!

After I was moved to a delivery room for about 11:30pm and my OH was told to come back to the hospital after going at 11pm. I then spent the night on gas and air and was in labour all night. By the morning of the 21st I was pretty exhausted, I got offered a Pethidine injection around 11am the next morning as I was struggling with the birth. It is the most amazing feeling in the world though and damn sure I want another baby too..

I had one shot of pethidine which eased the contractions, but also slowed things down and I was stuck at 7cm dilated for a time; I still had contractions, but they were less painful then they had been, still intense though... but a lot slower.

This carried on for a few more hours and the nurses were great I have to say. I was out of my face on drugs admittedly, but I remember it clearly. The day was passing, and the hours went on. At around 2pm I spoke with a doctor who had a concern that the baby was struggling as each time I pushed for contractions, her heart beat was dropping. Her head was so low down. I was squeezing her head with every contraction. They then suggested I have an epidural; which I did not want, but this was around 2pm and I was pretty worn out and was struggling, I agreed after a c section was another option, and I did not want this. I then started to have an epidural at 2.45pm (21st July) and the doctor came in and suggested we try another pethidine shot before the epidural. This I agreed to, but the pethidine just held things up, but it did allow me to fully dilate. I then needed an epidural as I was at passing out point to be honest.

I had not wanted this, so cried throughout the epidural being put in; but it certainly helped and I was able to communicate with staff. The pain had eased with the epidural, but I could still feel my legs etc; I was catherterised, much to my horror, but hey such is life.

I then pushed with the help of the docs and nurses, and baby Nimah arrived with a lot of help, vaginally though which was great. She wasn't well on arrival and was put in a baby care unit for the first two days, but she arrived at 4pm on the 21st. I then had to go to theatre as I needed my placenta removed manually, as it did not detach. This was another 2 hours and more pain relief. I watched the whole thing in a reflection on the lights above me which was really traumatic to be honest. I then was returned to my partner at 7pm on the 21st July, still on tons of pain killer and a complete mess, I was really sick and tearful after the birth...

We did manage to get to see the baby incubated that evening, I was insistent on seeing her regardless of my state and she was thought to have an infection, after two days I could have her on the ward and on Sunday this weekend just gone, we came home with our baby....

She is incredibly beautiful; and so worth it. I am even keen to have another baby... the birth was awful, but the baby is so worth it... I am so in love with our baby!!

So happy...

Just wanted to share my story.. :wave:

Hugs all..
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well good to hear that it is all worth it...and if you would have another, then that helps me

congratulations xxx
Congratulations, it sounds like a really tough birth, but as sam's girl said, it makes me feel better knowing you still want more children! Xx
You did amazingly well, well done you! My Son's birth was also very traumatic but we can't wait to have another baby! :) x
Congratulations Merfairy! It's lovely that you are still so positive despite a traumatic birth! Well done! xx
You done great congratulations xx

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