Bleeding at 41+2 any advice pls?


Jul 30, 2020
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I am 41+2 weeks today & went to the toilet at 5am & was shocked to see blood when I wiped ( sorry if TMI) and lots of red bloody water in the toilet. It was exactly the 2nd day of going to toilet with a period. I’ve had period-like pains to for a couple of days.
Instantly panicked & went to hospital. MW checked baby & said it all seemed fine. She called a doctor who used a speculum to check for bleeding. She couldn’t find why I was bleeding & then I came home.
I’ve got a CTG tomoz at 9am.
Has anyone else had period like bleeding Past their due date. Am thinking the worst of course ☹️
Trust the doctors. Just make sure you call triage if it carries on.
Any updates? Hope you're okay! Was it the bloody show perhaps? That was a big sign for me when I saw bright red blood when I wiped. I gave birth later that day.x
Heya I’ve been in each day since Wednesday & been on the ctg monitor for checks as am still bleeding. I am awaiting a call from the delivery suite to confirm if my induction will be tomoz morning or in the evening. Fingers crossed as cannot wait now <3
I'm glad ur near the end Faz and hope u get the call ur Induction is going ahead as planned. Ull have baby in ur arms soon
Thank you @TTC no2 currently sat in hospital with a drip in, getting examined at 7pm Please please be 10cm by then Fingers & toes crossed
Thank you ladies <3 prob a silly question but is there any way to ease the pain of an episiotomy & a torn muscle on 1 side of bottom? I’ve to let spray for bits. But the torn muscle is the most painful out of everything. Can’t even sit down or lay on back or right side :yawn:
Thank you ladies <3 prob a silly question but is there any way to ease the pain of an episiotomy & a torn muscle on 1 side of bottom? I’ve to let spray for bits. But the torn muscle is the most painful out of everything. Can’t even sit down or lay on back or right side :yawn:

I've the sprits for bits. Really good so it is.
Witch hazel something else u can buy. Keep some maternity towels in fridge as u need them spray either off above on to ur towel will help relieve pain.
For sitting down can u get home off something like kids swimming ring?
They kept maternity pads in the freezer in the ward. They would wet them, throw them in freezer and you had to place them under your own sanitary napkin. It was soooo refreshing. I don't have experience with a torn muscle down there but have had it in my shoulder. I had to take meds for it but I can't remember the name. Can't you ask someone there?x
Torn muscle I can only recommend Ibuprofen if you’re able to have it.
I second witch hazel and keeping your pads in the fridge/freezer x

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