bleeding for 2days


Active Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Hi all, im new to this, but basically friday 26th march i found out i was pregnant, monday phoned docs to book appointment and managed to get 1 for the next day so i wake up tuesday morning and im bleeding, tell my doctor and he says to go home and rest. im not convinced all is right so go up the hospital, they do blood tests and check me out down below and twice got told im more than likely miscarriaging, nurse books me a scan for a week today but before we leave the hospital they ask if they can check me again (of course i say yes) the doctor then tells me my cervix is shut on the inside but open on the outside which could mean a number of things either 1. i have miscarriaged and its healing, 2. i am about to miscarriage or 3. baby is fine. so i go home and rest. today the bleeding has stopped, still have pregnancy symptoms (nausea, tiredness, sore breasts and weeing slightly more thn usual) is this gd or could i still have miscarriaged or going to miscarry? please help im going out of my mind, iv got a scan wednesday 7th april bt cnt wait till then!! x
Hi Emzybabe, Welcome to the forum - I am really sorry your going through all this :hug:

I really couldn't say what is going on, but please try to rest up as much as possible and take it easy, as the doctors said there are three potential outcomes and one of those is a happy pregnancy.

Good luck with your scan next week, where you should have a much better idea what has happened if anything, some ladies do get bleeding in and go on to have a healthy pregnancy, try not to worry to much till then, it is out of your control

JJ x
hey and welcome sorry your going through a tough time i have been bleeding for 4 days touchwood have now stopped. i had an early scan which was internal because i am so early but i saw the little one and i got another on 14th april to make sure its growing etc. so try not to worry many women experience bleeding which could be implantation bleeding so hopefully your just going through what i am i know its hard not to worry though good luck for the 7th and keep us updated :) what colour is the blood and do you need to wear a pad?
blood was dark red at first then got lighter with some clotting still havnt bled so fingers crossed just the waiting now will keep you posted
started bleeding again, im still not sure what is classed as 'heavy bleeding' for it to be a miscarriage, i am not changing pads much maybe once or twice a day, no cramps. i am praying it is nothing serious just want this scan to hurry up and hope i see a lil bean and heartbeat :) if not i got to think of the positive side that we can get pregnant, nothing is wrong with me or my boyfriend, going to be hard but we wont give up :)
good luck hun keep us posted hope all is well xx
Hi hon, hope all is ok and thinking of u for ur scan on weds xxxx
just a little update, havnt bled since friday night, it is now sunday, im really hoping that means something, i still have my pregnany symptoms, also, when i was at the hospital the doctor said iv got a 'back to front' womb (cnt remember his actual quote but im sure they were his words) does any1 no what that means and has any1 also got it and had any problems/difficulties with birth and/or labour? Would be useful to know..
Sorry no idea with the womb thing, hope the others can help you here

great news the bleeding has stopped now, good luck on wednesday X
Good luck hun.. got everything crossed for a healthy 9 months for you x x x x
wasnt good news :( i miscarried, going to keep trying tho.... :(!!!!
oh hun, so sorry for your lost :( I've been there and it isn't nice.....hugs!!

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