C Sections, your experiences?


Jan 21, 2007
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Hello all, I am new to this forum so please let me introduce myself. My name is Michelle, I am 30 years old and a mother to four children. I am currently undertaking an Access to Higher Education course to enable me to go on to university and fulfil my dream of becoming a midwife.

As part of my current study, I am undertaking some research into Elective Caesareans, why people opt for them, whether there should be a choice etc etc.

I would be interested to hear any comments from forum members on their views of elective caesareans, especially from anyboy who has had or is planning to have an elective caesarean.

I will also be compiling a questionnaire to collect some statistics relating to modes of childbirth, experiences, views and whether the option was made available to you. Anybody that would be happy to complete a questionnaire to assist with my data collection, please send me a personal message with your email address so that I can send you a questionnaire when it ready.

Many thanks in advance for all of your comments.
Hi, this thead may help you..

http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... hp?t=24014

I had to have a emergency c-section, i honestly dont know why anyone would choose to put themselves through such pain !!

I personally hate the idea of an elective c-section unless its for medical reasons, i just think the baby isnt ready and all of sudden whoosh out it comes ! must be so traumatic for them! :(
ShellCull said:
I would be interested to hear any comments from forum members on their views of elective caesareans, especially from anyboy who has had an elective caesarean.

Hi michelle,
Im sonia, 21 years old i have 2 children -

Duncan 2004 - elective caesarean
James 2006 - home birth after caesarean section.

I hated the caesarean section.
Duncan was breech and sufered frmo low amniotic fluid levels.
I have read there are breech deliveries and since learnt taht they can insert fluids to allow birth to be easier in the way of low fluid levels.
I was lied to in order for me to sign the paper and be sliced and diced so to speak.
I hate it.
Even tho this was nov 2004 i still hate that area beeing touched.
I am ever so jumpy and then there is the birth story. . . .
it was horible.
Would never ever go in hospital again net alone hav a section.

jack was c-section because he was breech, i hated it and will go for a national birth for my next child
I had an elective section the first time around because my baby was a big baby and I can honestly say it was a lovely experience.
The whole thing was so relaxed and unstressful.
I am going to have another elective section on march 5th and can honestly say I have absolutely no reservations about it although I can understand why people are against them.
Hi everyone,
Thankyou so much for your replies. Its lovely to hear other mums experiences. Of my four births my, first daughter Sharna was emergency section in 1997 due to her becoming distressed at 7cm. My son, Harry, was born in 1999 by natural delivery but I suffered second degree tears resulting in excess of 100 stitches :oops: ouch! Myoring if we werent second daughter Caitlin was induced in 2004 and I suffered with post-partum heamoraging. Mainly due to these previous complications, I elected for a c-section with my third daughter Jessica in 2006, but I also wanted to combine this with a sterilisation. There were no complications with my c-section however I did not find it a very enjoyable experience. I would recommend a natural delivery to anybody that did not suspect any liklihood of complications. That said every one is different, wouldnt it be boring if we werent. I hope all goes well for you Paulaws on march 5th, my birthday is the 9th. he he. take care all of you xx
I had my first daughter emergency c section after hours and hours and labour and pushing for 2 hrs she got stuck, the expreince wasnt bad at all tbh dont rember that much about it, but it was ok.

2nd time round really wanted a nautral birth, but doctor wasnt to happy about leting me, he said i had a small pelvis and he didnt want me going through everything i had went through with my 1st, so i had a elective section plus baby was breech, and i have to say it was the most brilliant expreince i have ever been through it was amazing, and eveything i could have hoped for.

I wont be having anymore kids now and im glad both my expreince turned out ok :D
I can honestly say my c section ruined the whole child birth experience. I had to have a c section after prolonged labour and mine and babies heartrate increased.
After my c section i was in so much pain,i struggled like hell in hospital trying to get up and feed my son at night in the hospital as there was a shortage of midwives to pick my baby up and bring him to me even though i was told not to get up out of bed for at least 24 hours my buzzer didnt work and i had to keep getting in and out of bed.
The first weeks when i should have been bonding with my new son i was in too much pain to enjoy the experience.
mrs h said:
I can honestly say my c section ruined the whole child birth experience. I had to have a c section after prolonged labour and mine and babies heartrate increased.
After my c section i was in so much pain,i struggled like hell in hospital trying to get up and feed my son at night in the hospital as there was a shortage of midwives to pick my baby up and bring him to me even though i was told not to get up out of bed for at least 24 hours my buzzer didnt work and i had to keep getting in and out of bed.
The first weeks when i should have been bonding with my new son i was in too much pain to enjoy the experience.

That is EXACTLY the same experience I had
I had an Emergency C-Section with my first. It was painful at the time. But after giving birth to my 2nd naturally I can honestly say I prefered the C-Section and would seriously consider having one with our next child. I'm not 'to posh to push' but I just felt it hell when I had Jordan. they had to cut me then I ripped even further. So I had to have loads of stitches. On top of all that I had piles the size of black puddings LOL. I wanted to breastfeed Jordan but I couldn't because I was sooo uncomfy through the pain in my nether regions LOL. I just couldn't get my postitioning right.

Hope that helps.
I had a c section due to failed induction. I think it hit me quite hard as I had been in labour for so long and I hadn't slept for about 3 days in all. I was a wreck. I also lost a lot of blood so was very weak. I found the pain of it fine. I was up and about as normal quicker than my sister in law who had a natural birth. I think if I had had an elective one it would have been brill and I will have that with my next child. I think the only part which I missed was not being able to hold my son straight away but next time I am demanding the baby gets handed straight to me. All in all I think it was ok as births go, have heard worse and better.

I had to have a emergency C Section. I was 6cm when I finally amitted I had to go to the hospital and he was breech, the did give me the choice, but explained that he was big and might get stuck, with in a hour of our discission Riley was born at 8lb 9oz and perfect, the c section was a made a lovely experience by the staff (Maybe they were drunk as it was New Years Eve!) and I was so happy to get my baby!, I had a infection afterwards, and that was the worst pain, but only cos I didn't take too many pain killers. So all went well, the only problem I faced is how I felt a failer, I wanted to push and grone, I did not even get bad contractions, and I'm freeky cos I wanted that whole experiences and felt alittle let down. But hey baby is health, maybe next time!
I had a c section after a failed induction...I didnt progress past 3cm over 2 days and my waters had gone. My cervix was far back on off to one side, so she would never of been born naturally they told me afterwards :roll:

I was terrified of c section-my sis had an emergency one 8 weeks earlier and suffered internal bleeding and was very very poorly so the thought of having one too wasnt too appealing....once it was underway I found it to be a fantastic experience. It was magical, and the feeling when she was lifted from me was amazing. I really really enjoyed the whole thing.

I was up and about the next day, home within 4 days but did get a nasty infection in my wound which made me very very ill. I am on 2nd course of anti biotics now and finally on my feet again, pity really as it put a dampner on what was otherwise a trully lovely experience.

I dont think we will have any more children, if I did I would love to experience natural childbirth but if I had to, I wouldnt be at all bothered by a 2nd c section xxx

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