car seats


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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I was looking into car seats for our new arrival and have decided to get a fitted one from birth.
We bought Ava a mamas and papas one when she was born which fitted onto her pram but she only ended up using it a handful of times as our mw told us they shouldn't be in them for more than 2 hours a time because their spine is developing.

Who will be sticking to a mobile car seat?

I see plenty of babies going around in these on shopping trips which I'm guessing are longer than 2 hours and I never hear anything bad but I think I'm too scared to try myself. :roll:

Random but I'm interested in this :)
We've gone for one that fits onto pram, but I'm hoping not to leave bubs in it for too long - cos of spinal thing, would rather use the carrycot bit of pram, but thought it would be good to have the option if I'm just nipping to the local shops.

Do you think they would actually be in it for more than two hours? I'm sure the only times that would happen would be day - long shopping trips etc?

I imagine most of the times you use pram baby would be in it a lot less than 2 hours, because don't they grow out of them quick like 6 months? Even once they hit 2/3 months you will prob lift them out a bit more or you could buy a baby carrier for the odd day?

I always kind of imagined when theyre sleeping huge amounts of times day trips wouldn't generally happen it would only be really an hour or two in the shops? But I may be being completely ignorant lol :D xxx
We've gone for one that fits onto pram, but I'm hoping not to leave bubs in it for too long - cos of spinal thing, would rather use the carrycot bit of pram, but thought it would be good to have the option if I'm just nipping to the local shops.


This is me too I prefer the carrycot option :)

Jules I think your right with the shopping trip plus add in all the times you would be feeding and changing on a day out. I doubt 2 hrs would be exceeded x
its 2 hours without a break so if you get baby out to feed or change the two hours starts again, so on the odd occasion we are out for a long time i will take baby out for a bit or a break. It wouldn't happen really tho as we dont spend long in one place x
I have a mobile carseat to fit on the pram, but intend on using the pram insert when out for longer periods. But as the girls have already said, its two hours constantly in there, if you take them out for feed/nappy change, or a bit of communication then the two hours restarts. x
We will be having a mobile car seat, but we have a carry cot option with the travel system so I will be using that mainly to start with and only using the car seat in the car.

I am also going to be using a sling quite a lot :) actually probably more than the travel system lol!!!
i have the car seat that is compatible with pram, but will mainly be using the pram option instead of the car seat!! as it will just be used for quick shopping trips, and to supermarket etc, as i dont like the idea of a fitted one straight away as ur going to have to keep disturbing baby when swapping over to pram!! and as i live in a flat at the moment i dont think it is pactical to carry my newborn, with al his stuff down the stairs or lift and then across the car park and i think being in car seat will be much easier :)

this is my personal opinion and everyone is different xx

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