Clear blue Fertility Trial


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2006
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An Trial Has come up i have regerstered thought i let you all know about it!

Ok well this is what it entails and what you need to do if you want to take part. It is a trial where you have the opportunity to use a Clearblue Fertility monitor for 6 cycles.

The monitor is loaned to you and they supply you with the test sticks needed. They also supply pg test sticks.

You have to do a water sample everyday starting from cd1, these have to be sent back to the lab, they supply the pots, bags, etc, and they ask you to fill out a diary too.

If you get pg while on the trial if you collect water samples for a further 8 and they will give you £60.
The monitor tells you 5 days prior to ovulation when you are due to ovulate and it also tells you if your fertility at that time is high,low or peak giving you plenty of time to arrange to BD!

To do this trial or you need to do is call a the number and leave your name and number and within 24 hours max, a lady will give you a call back and see if you qualify for the trial. they asked me the following questions:
* how long I had been TTC
* how many pregnancies I have had (and subsequent MC)
* longest cycle length
* shortest cycle length
* history of kidney or liver disease etc
They will then send you out a couple of info sheets and forms to fill in if successful, and send back

So if you are interested then Call the number now!

. Phone number is 01234 835520 (answering machine)

wow, that sounds pretty good

good luck with it hunand hopefully we will seeamazing results from it very soon

take careand all the very best
Hi, this sounds like a really good trial to me, where did you first see it advertised? i think i will definately ring, aslong as it doesnt involve any videos or pictures im camera shy!! :oops:

i first saw it on another forum, it looks really good no camera's lol, you all the things you need for trial im just waiting on my pack to come through now


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