Complete loss of symptoms :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
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I'm 6+6 and so worried as I've noticed yesterday and this morning that I don't really have any symptoms anymore :( In the last couple of weeks I've felt very tired and although not nauseas have been gagging a lot especially with strong smells. Have also gone off a lot of foods and had no appetite. All that seems to have gone and I'm so scared I'll miscarry again. Has anyone else had this and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy? I don't have a midwife yet to call and ask
I've posted a similar thread hun, symptoms can come and go then eventually your Placenta takes over and symptoms will ease off xx
It's crazy over-analysing everything, but it's all such a worry! Can't believe I'm wishing for ms etc...just anything to make me believe this pregnancy is still OK. Thanks for replying xx
No probs huni, I've not had ms either just nausea, my main symptoms are sore boobs which comes and goes and regular heartburn. Xx
Decided to pay for a private dating scan today as I can't think about anything else. Hoping more than anything that we see a heartbeat but at least I should know either way today. Only did this 2 months ago when I had a mc so it's very scary. Who ever said that pregnancy was a breeze?!! Don't think I've ever been so worried in my life x
Hey there I know what ur going through, all my symptoms dissapeared around 9weeks and I was convinced that I had anothr MC but turns outs its completely normal, I am now 17 weeks and everything is going well this time round. Good luck with everything xx
Thank you...hearing that other people have gone through this is reassuring, but it's so hard to believe a mc isn't going to happen again. In a few hours I'll know I guess, if I'm as far along as I think otherwise they might not see anything anyway... x
Good luck with your scan hun, I'll be thinking of you xx
good luck with your scan hun, i'm sure your little bean will be just fine :) xx
I've heard the loss of symptom thing can be pretty common, good luck with it all and stay real positive x x x
I am 7+2 and I am losing symptoms too, it is worrying as I had such brutal morning sickness with my other 2, but people just keep telling me it's because it's a boy this time! So I try to think of that to make myself feel better!
I had exactly the same hing happen to me at pretty much the same time. All was fine and a healthy baby 7 months later. It does happen. Good luck though. xxx
I saw a heartbeat!!! Yay!!! SO reassuring, although I know it's still early days. Put me back to 6+2 but I don;t care as I know bub is fine :) Thanks for all your comments! xx
Glad your scan went well! :yay: With Sam my symptoms used to come and go all the time and it used to worry me too but it can be completely normal for them to go and come back again x
glad all went well at ur scan hun :) now enjoy not having many symptoms lol! x
So glad to hear ur scan went well hunny, so happy for u :) xx

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