Conflicting advice...


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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The midwife told me to only use one breast per feed to ensure that Isla gets the hind milk so I was doing that up until a couple of days ago.

Then, I spoke to an NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor and she said to offer both breasts at each feed. Let her feed on one until she falls asleep (which she always does after about 10-15mins), then change her nappy etc and put her on the other breast. So, I started doing that a couple of days ago and she appears to have fed well and gained quite a lot of weight in the last few days.

Just curious as to what everyone else is doing...?
I'm quite reluctant to use both boobs as I like to finish Lizzie's feed on the hind milk, it makes her more sleepy and she seems happier. When I was using both boobs she'd only take the second for about 2 minutes so I guess was ending on fore milk. Don't know if it was because of this, but she was suffering from colic when I was doing it that way. I read somewhere that fore milk can make them more gassy.
Then again, I started using infacol at the same time as changing to only using one boob so it could just be the infacol doing it's job!
I never really stuck to any patterns until recently. I feed her on one side until she starts to mess about, then I offer her the other side. Next time I feed her I offer the last side she fed off. x
would listen to the nct advice, esp if she's feeding well and putting on weight (seemingly). It regains their interest when offered second, I often do it. She might be an efficient feeder and you have fast let down so getting to hindmilk in 10-15 mins. My little one has never fed for more than 10 mins and I often offer him both. Hope that helps a bit? x
I will always try and offer both boobs but if she falls asleep on the one I won't offer the other lol! I sit her up and burp her always so she always has the chance to wake up lol! Coz it's fore milk then hind but the fore is like water the hind is food so I always offer her the fore again but normally she drinks both sides dry now haha!!

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