
Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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i have recently switched from beast milk to formula and in the last 2 days he has become constipated.
he is making lots of groaning straining noises
yesterday he was only passing small formed like poos so i gave him some boiled water and added a bit of extra water in his feed which seemed to do the trick he had another one last night which seemed a bit looser.
i changed him about 6am and again seemed looser but he hasnt had another one since
apart from the boiled water is there anything else i can do?
You can use Lactulose if he is constipated but i was told as long as he is having at least one poo a day he isnt constipated.
when i was bf he was having 2-3 a day and they were looser with 'pips' in but now they are small hard like lumps
he is struggling cos hes straining and his face goes bright red and hes been crying more than usual
My son is constantly constipated due to him having to take Gaviscon. My HV advised me to put 1 ounce of orange juice in 3 ounces of cooled boiled water, he mormally only drinks 2 ounces of this but it does the trick. :D
Lactulose is really good. nathans always been consipated and he would never take any water either. It got to the stage where he was going almost a week without having a poo. The HV recommended making up his bottles with less milk but I wouldn't recomment doing that yet at his age. We got the lactulose of the GP but he won't take it of the syringe so I just put it in his bottle twice a day and this does the trick.
Just keep to the cooled boiled water, I wouldn' recommend wtering down the feeds though hun.
As long as he is having a poo once a day then he should be ok. My HV said if constipated give water daily......I only asked her this week due to a falling with MIL over this last week.
Also, poo from bf babies is different to bottle fed babies anyway, more because there isn't really any waste from breast milk so the texture is different.
Saw your pics before....he's gorgeous!
Which formula are you using?

My little boy got really constipated on SMA Gold so we changed to C&G and within 24-36 hrs he had a really soft stinky poo lol.

We moved to Cow&Gate from SMA because Isaac sometimes seemed to be in discomfort passing poo's with SMA, maybe try a different formula? I do know if you gave LO some breast milk too it would loosen his stools, but that's no help if you've moved exclusively to formula :think:
I do hope he's feeling a lot better soon, I'd talk to your HV about it, I'm sure there's options there for you and your LO :hug:
Charm said:
Which formula are you using?

My little boy got really constipated on SMA Gold so we changed to C&G and within 24-36 hrs he had a really soft stinky poo lol.

this is what we have been using

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