Coping with a missed miscarriage at 12 week scan


Active Member
Jun 30, 2016
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I'm currently laid in a hospital bed after finding out yesterday I had a missed miscarriage. I've been a mix between a lot of tears, numb and hoping it's all just a bad dream and I'll wake up soon !
This would have been our fourth baby so never thought it was going to happen to us :(

I justed wanted it all over and done with and they managed to get me in for a d and c yesterday evening. I'm worried about going home and it all sinking in! My partner was my rock, but I could see how heartbroken he is bless him.

How did you ladies cope with it, I have not long got over depression and am worried it'll be a downward spiral !

I just wanted some advice really as I'm a mess atm.
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I really don’t know what to say in terms of advice, but I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s awful news and I wish no one had to go through it. Xxxx
I am really sorry to know your story. I wish all your dreams come true xx
I just wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear this, I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. I would say talk to a healthcare professional about your fears over depression. It is completely understandable as you have experienced a loss and finding out when you have is horrible. Like I said I'm so so sorry but take care of you and your family and make sure you stay strong with your partner and try not to push him away. I pushed mine away and all he wanted to do was help, and once I recognised this I realised we were stronger dealing with this together. I wish you well for the future and your recovery from this xxxxx sending you love
Natalie how are you coping? I too had a MMC on 15.11.18 at 11w6d and have just spent the last three days in hospital. Right now my mind is just blank.

Hope you’re doing ok? X
I'm so so sorry! It's so heartbreaking.
Honestly you don't ever completely get over it, but as with most things it gets easier.
My hubby was my rock, the one we lost we didn't tell anybody about as I wanted surprise family at Xmas. We lost that one at 12weeks also.
I cried lots, as did DH, and we broke news to family a few days afterwards. For us just talking to anyone and everyone helped a lot, and also hearing other people's stories, how common it was and the successful pregnancies afterwards (especially with it being our first).
The hospital should offer you a memory box too so you can keep babies memory with you.
We just had our first baby (8months old now) and him being here has made the whole experience so worth it and really helped us move on from the first, although we will never forget.
You will feel better eventually, do what you need to grieve and don't keep feelings to yourself. People are there to help and support you, you are allowed to be upset and angry for as long as you need, just don't bottle it up. Remember that your OH will be devistated also and that men grieve differently so try not to let it cause tension between you.
I hope you feel better soon *hugs*

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