Doctors Confirmation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I've already done 3 tests- two of them clear blue and all positive. But when I went to see the doc he wanted to confirm it through them - which was fine. So I was to phone up today to get the results. I'm just off the phone and just getting it confirmed through them has made me all excited again so thought I would share! Lol! :lol: The woman congratulated me because I let out a 'yey' when she said I was so now it's beginning to feel real!! ARGGHH!!

On the other hand, I'm still very early on & I'm petrified incase I lose the LO.

L x
Congratulations!! Happy and healthy 9 months! x
Congrats, weird when it first feels real isn't it........... x
Yeah it is strange! Can only get more real though I suppose! Lol. xx
Ah great for you! Iv recently tested got bfp. I'm supposedly only 4and half weeks. When should I get to docs to get confirmation? Oh what's you due date Levi? Xx
Ah great for you! Iv recently tested got bfp. I'm supposedly only 4and half weeks. When should I get to docs to get confirmation? Oh what's you due date Levi? Xx

I made an appointment the same day I got a positive. They happened to have a cancellation - it wasn't with my own doctor, but with one at the surgery! He said they wanted me to take another test with them to make sure it was all through their system. I also made an appointment with the midwife, which I have in 2 days!! EEEK! So Irishgal, best to make an appointment soon - your doc may not even need to confirm it through them and they might take your word for it - as I've seen thats happened to a few ladies on here!

I've worked out I should be due around the 21st of April :) But knowing my luck when I speak to the midwife I'll have worked it out wrong or something lol! When will you be due?

:) xxx
Ahhh congratulations to you - brilliant news , best feeling in the world- wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months from here X
Congratulations Hun!! :yay::pompom::yay:

Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months and a super sticky bean!


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