epidural - delivery?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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hey girls,

I know that I'm going to be having an epidural when it comes to the delivery of the LO as they recommend it to control BP.

I was just wondering as soon as I have the epidural, will I be completely restricted in terms of movement? Will I be able to walk at all? Or will I be confined to bed?

When it comes to actual delivery and pushing, is the only position I can do this in lying down? Do you know if I can sit up / go on all fours? or use any other delivery position?

thanks ladies xx
im afraid you will be confined to a bed, they may sit you up a bit for the delivery but thats about it :wink:
hi i had epidural with both of mine..with my first i still couldnt move the day after as my legs were both numb...but with my second i was able to walk 4 hours after having my son, i had to stay in bed after having the epidural i was laid on my side just before i needed to push, and i could feel enough to know when contractions were coming so that i knew when to push. and i didnt hardly feel any pain WOO HOO lol
Yeah you wont be able to move around in labour. You will be on a bed laying down, maybe on your side. You wont feel anything from your chest down...well I didnt!!
I had a mobile epi and was able to walk around, go to the tolilet, and sit however I wanted. It was FANTASTIC! As I got to 10cm they let it wear off so I could feel what I was doing. I was laying on the bed but that was because of the drip and not the epi!!
I had an epidural because my BP went sky high during labour. I couldn't move around, although I could feel down my left side strangely enough, but if you can let it wear off before you're ready to push I think it's easier to get baby out without any help. It wore off quite quickly though and it was sooo nice to get up and in the bath!!!
At the hospital I gave birth in they do mobile epidurals so I could get out of bed with help to try to go to the toilet and I could walk and stand up ok very soon after the actual birth xxxx
You may be able to have a mobile epi where you can walk ( like i did) but then if its due to high BP they may monitor you constantly so you'll be stuck on the bed anyway!!! This is what happened with me :D
You should ask if your hospital does mobile epidurals - I know for a fact that my local maternity hospital (Princess Anne) dont do them :evil:
Hey. I had an epidural (don't know what the bloody point was, it still hurt like hell, lol). Anyway, I was allowed to move but i didn't want to! All I wanted to do was lie down, just because the contractions still hurt so bad, not because I couldn't because of the epidural. I could feel my legs went a bit numb but when I started moving them it went back to normal. I was very disappointed as I don't think it helped at all but people are different. My MW also said that epidural was teh reason my labour was 14 hours when it could've been a lot less. Well, good luck and all the best! :hug:
I had an epidural and could still feel my legs. The epi I had was topped up every half hour or so so when I got close to 10cm they didnt top it up so it wore off and I could feel everything and could've pushed in any position I wanted. They didnt say it was a mobile epi but they did say they give them differently now in little doses at a time. I had to be monitored alot for my BP and James heart rate so they wouldnt have let me wander off anywhere but it was nice knowing I could've walked xx

ETA: if you arent in any pain you wont worry about being in bed relaxing :) its the best place to be, conserving energy :lol:

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