Father perental responsibility question!!!!!


Jan 8, 2011
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okkk. problem!!!

I have an evil EX . I managed to fight in court to see my daughter after she trapped me then told me to go away and have a baby with someone else (i was with her 2 years) . I saw my daughter thanks to the great british law courts at 7 months old for the first time. shes beautiful!. she is now 15 month

NOW ... Here is what the courts ordered ...

The Court orders
The Applicant Father, *** **** *****, have Parental Responsibility for the child R**** ****** (DOB 8th * 2009).


ok, we were not married. It took me a year to get to court and that was the judges decision. agreed by myself and my ex.

Im just wondering WHAT rights i have? .. see, the ex is saying i have none. i cant stop her leaving the country etc. I need to know what rights i have because right now she refuses to let me even see her. Her parents are saying they will disown the ex if she lets me because they hate me because im english (they are scottish) . I really need to find out if she is breaking any law and also what are my rights as a father because i havent seen my daughter in a month . I need to get back to court

oh and im not a crinimal, never hit her , not a danger etc so that is N/A in the reply

any help would be great , thank you all in advance
As far as I can tell:

Unmarried fathers with children born after 1 December 2003 and whose name appears on the birth certificate have parental rights and responsibilities.

This means that you can:

Have contact with the child
See the child regularly
Have the child to stay with you
Take the child on holiday
Be legally entitled to do things such as going to school parent's evenings, consenting to medical treatment or even signing the forms to allow your child to join the Army.

I've never been in this situation though, and I'm no expert - this was just found through online research.
Your best option is probably to ask your solicitor.
Hope that helps! x
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I'd seek legal advice-my ex is lovely but unfortunately liked to 'spread his seed' which has resulted in 5 children to 4 mothers. He has always had contact with my 2 kids although he has no parental responsibility for them (the law changed after our youngest was born) he also has contact with number 4 and number 5 is to his wife....number 3 however,he hasn't seen for appeox 4 years,he has parental rights for him but this hasn't stopped the mother movin him away,he could fight it in court but it will b costly and he doesn't have any spare funds to do this with. He's now gettin emails from his ex sayin her husband wants to adopt his son and already uses a different name.

Unfortunately u will prob end up in court again fighting for visitation rights xx
My hubby was in a similar situaltion and we now have the kids living with us. From what I remember, Youhave all of the rights heulyn said above, but if she denies you them, you have to go through the courts again to get her to comply.
I'd seek legal advice-my ex is lovely but unfortunately liked to 'spread his seed' which has resulted in 5 children to 4 mothers. He has always had contact with my 2 kids although he has no parental responsibility for them (the law changed after our youngest was born) he also has contact with number 4 and number 5 is to his wife....number 3 however,he hasn't seen for appeox 4 years,he has parental rights for him but this hasn't stopped the mother movin him away,he could fight it in court but it will b costly and he doesn't have any spare funds to do this with. He's now gettin emails from his ex sayin her husband wants to adopt his son and already uses a different name.

Unfortunately u will prob end up in court again fighting for visitation rights xx

thanks. but ive come to accept that courts the only answer again. Im just wondering how i can stop her leaving the country in 2 months as the judge said she needs my permission. do i call up the airports? passport place?
I think ul need some kind of court order for her to remain in the country,ur best speakin to ur solicitor xx
Sorry to hear the trouble you are having, you need a solicitor as you said she is scottish? Scottish law is sometimes different to Ebglish law :(
Rósa;1769676 said:
Sorry to hear the trouble you are having, you need a solicitor as you said she is scottish? Scottish law is sometimes different to Ebglish law :(

I know its different. she has lived here all her life. her parents moved here when she was a baby for work and she will be moving back with them in a month or two so yeh, ill probably have to deal with the scottish courts. but ive heard they are better for fathers. hope so
Are you on the babys birth cert? As I'm going though court myself with an evil ex who hasn't bothered with my daughter in nearly four years, he's not on her birth certificate, and has no parental rights over her, (he refussed to go on it) but if you have been to court and had access granteed you can apply for parental rights though the court, but even then you cnt really stop her leaving the country I dnt think?
thats brilliant emmamb ! just what i need :) thank you so much and thanks to everyone else :) all the best !
Are you on the babys birth cert? As I'm going though court myself with an evil ex who hasn't bothered with my daughter in nearly four years, he's not on her birth certificate, and has no parental rights over her, (he refussed to go on it) but if you have been to court and had access granteed you can apply for parental rights though the court, but even then you cnt really stop her leaving the country I dnt think?

Im not yet no. The ex agreed in court that i can be put on but i am unemployed and dont want fathers occupation: bum so im trying to put it off a little while. The courts gave me rights but the ex is only letting me see her every 2 weeks for about 3 hours and while she is there and wont even leave the house for a walk incase someone tells her parents they have seen me with my daughter
Dnt put off getting that name down put it as self imployed if needs be! As then she needs you to sign for her passport!!
Dnt put off getting that name down put it as self imployed if needs be! As then she needs you to sign for her passport!!

she already has a passport. she got it while i was still fighting in court. nightmare eh
Are you on the babys birth cert? As I'm going though court myself with an evil ex who hasn't bothered with my daughter in nearly four years, he's not on her birth certificate, and has no parental rights over her, (he refussed to go on it) but if you have been to court and had access granteed you can apply for parental rights though the court, but even then you cnt really stop her leaving the country I dnt think?

Just to add, I think you still get the rights that I listed before even if you're not on the birth certificate, because you said the court have granted you parental rights anyway?
Are you on the babys birth cert? As I'm going though court myself with an evil ex who hasn't bothered with my daughter in nearly four years, he's not on her birth certificate, and has no parental rights over her, (he refussed to go on it) but if you have been to court and had access granteed you can apply for parental rights though the court, but even then you cnt really stop her leaving the country I dnt think?

Just to add, I think you still get the rights that I listed before even if you're not on the birth certificate, because you said the court have granted you parental rights anyway?

yep. the court did :)
My partner is going to court to get parental resposibility so he can then go and put himself on the birth certificate for his daughter.

His solicitor has told him they will have 50/50 rights but becuase his daughter is only with us 2 nights a week her mum can over power in some ways which used to happen more than it does now so think she is coming to term with jason seeing the LO.
He was told he could try and stop her leaving the country by making her apply to court but she could be granted it if will benefit the child.

I havnt read through the whole thread so im sorry if i have missed something but a solicitor would be the only way to go especially if your ex is still making things hard for you.
Hope you can get things sorted
it annoys the hell out of me why do women do this id kill to have my eldest 2 know that their dad cared grrr
i hope you get this sorted and gain proper regular access without her being able to intervine

dads have right to their child just because the woman carried the child for 9 month doesnt mean she holds all the cards and it just her child

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