feeling let down by doc


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Well I had a normal smear result so I made an appointment with doc for this morning to discuss where we go next, and I have my blood forms for a 21 day progesterone test. Fine and dandy me thinks, great stuff! Then she tells me that if it comes back that im either not ovulating or they cant be sure if im ovulating, I'll be referred. Great.

But....if it comes back that I am ovulating I will be "sent away to just carry on trying" - her words.

So WTF does that mean? I thought that we had started a process here, that we were going to get help to get pregnant.

Oh I dunno, just feeling a little disapointed, and in a wierd way hoping that progesterone tests are inconclusive so I can get referred!
Oh hunny i dont know what to say im sorry.

Big hugs

:hug: :hug: :hug:

But it's great news if you are ovulating and by your chart I reckon you are :cheer:

If I were you I would try to see a different doctor or seek out fertility advice elsewhere. You need to feel you are being fully supported.

Big :hug: 's

Becs xx
Thanks girls hugs are exactly what I needed :hug: :D

Im very pleased that so far OH doesnt have any problems and I seem to be working, its great news but what worries me is there are so many cases of unexplained infertility where couples who dont have any problems just keep on failing to pregnant. I dont want to be one of them.

The thought of never having a baby again breaks my heart.

Maybe im just over-reacting, thats nothing unusual for me im such a drama queen, and im sure we will get pregnant, I was just so exited and optimisitc about starting this process and now it seems if I am ovulating correctly im just gonna be sent away :think:
Would you be interested in trying IVF GGG?
just wanted to wish you good luck!

sending baby dust to you now..... get ready to catch it all u....

:hug: x
Absolutely, im planning on sitting OH down tonight to talk about this. We have discussed it in the past and agreed that yes we would try it - we are adamant that our baby will be our baby ie not from any egg or sperm donors but if they can take my egg and his sperm then we will try it. I just need to convince OH that paying for it privately might be the only option.
chloe123 said:
just wanted to wish you good luck!

sending baby dust to you now..... get ready to catch it all u....

:hug: x

lol thanks hun, I wondered why I sneezed just then!
Sorry your GP wasn't more helpful :hug: , as Becs said you should try another GP or go private. It must be very frustrating for you, but it is good news that you are actually ovulating :hug:
Good plan Hon, that's definetly the way I'd go after attempting for as long as you have. You should be adimant with your doc though that this is something you want to try. She can't just send you away that's just wrong, I'm stunned another woman would do that to you!

Hope your chat goes well with OH!

Becs x
well i dont actually know that I am ovulating yet, Im pretty sure I am because of my charts and other signs but the 21 day test will confirm that. grrrrrr why cant I just get pregnant and move on with our lives!! :wall: :wall: :roll:
Becs said:
Good plan Hon, that's definetly the way I'd go after attempting for as long as you have. You should be adimant with your doc though that this is something you want to try. She can't just send you away that's just wrong, I'm stunned another woman would do that to you!

Hope your chat goes well with OH!

Becs x

Thanks becs and yes I should see another doc, and will once this progesterone test has been done. I printed off my FF charts for her to look at and she didnt have a clue what she was looking at, I had to explain the process to her!!
It's a sad but true fact that you do not need to study the Fertility Awareness Method to pass your medical exam. You probably know more about it then she does :x
I agree about seeing another GP.... i have a great mistrust of GPs i always feel that they are more interested in just getting you out of the door rather than helping you......

i have a GP at my surgery who spent a year telling me i was getting old and if wanted a baby needed to get on with it... now i've told her I am said only - remember your folic acid! helpful huh....

good luck - :hug: :hug:
Get your self to another Doc GGG- you are entilted to a second opinion (hopefully from someone a bit more knowledgable)...
When I went to my docs the other week he said that if we find it hard to get PG i.e more than 12mths that all the fertility tests would be free but if they found anything wrong that we would have to go private because we already have children.

Hope everything works out for you hun :hug:
Definately agree with everyone, see another Gp and keep on until you get the answer you want. I work with GP's and the difference in care is astonishing depending on their personalty, stress level and difference in training. Ask if any of them have any Gynae training.

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