Front or rear facing?

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Naomi will soon be six months old (where does the time go?) and she has outgrown her rear facing carry tot. Her legs are all scrunched against the back seat because she has long legs. I don't think this is healthy for her but can't really do without bringing her places in the car.

We bought a Britax car seat that's a bit bigger and can face front or back. ... d=6&type=1

Trouble is, my OH drives a 12 year old car and the seat belts, which were barely long enough for the carry tot, are way too short for the big seat. So it's stuck in my car while it's rear facing. And my car is tiny.

Does she really have to be nine months old before we face her forward? Mind you, she loves the big seat in my car because she can see out the back window!

I went to buy Ella a new car seat as she was reaching the minimum weight limit for the forward facing and is getting to small for hers - I was told in Mothercare that she couldn't go in one yet as although she sits unsupported she needs REALLY good head/neck control. They said that a lot of mums find their babies are outgrowing the car seats but it's safer for them to be scrunched up than go in a front facing one prematurely. That was me told!! :lol:
Dior was way to big for her fear facing mams and papas car seat by 7months, i put her in a maxi cosey priory front facing seat. i didnt no they had to be 9months :oops: but i do now. but dior used to scream she hated being so cramped in

I've gone onto the Britax website and they have a "fit finder" where they find the best fitting car seat for your car model.

The fit finder has advised me that rear facing that particular seat in my car is "NOT RECOMMENDED"!!! Even though I told the girl at the shop what make of car I drove.

And as for OH car, well the "fit finder" says "the seat belts in this car are much too short."

AAAARGH feel such an idiot, I can't even bring the seat back now cos she puked on it. It's scrunched up legs till I can face her forward!

Luckily OH is changing HIS car this year. I hope.

Coby is in a front facing one, hes to long to go in a rear facing one, his legs get all scrunched up.

we tend to go on long trips as we have family dotted about everywehre, so id rather him be comfy.

i got told from mother care, has long as they can sit unaided and have good head control and weigh over 22 ibs they can go in to front facing car seat other wise they have to stay in the rear facing car seat, and dionne it is inbetween 6-9 months cos there are some babies that are 6 months that can sit unaided and weigh 20 ibs or more
there was a post on this somewhere i'll see if i can find it!
Naomi cannot sit unaided yet, but has always had good head control. I think it's just a matter of time.

Thanks for the input girls...

If they have an accident in the car when it is front facing and they are not ready, they will suffer the equivan=lent of shaken baby syndrome. and their head would whiplash as ours does when in an accident, they must be able to sit completely unaided for at least 1 min. this is what i was advised by a fireman. he also said it doesn't mater if their legs are bent as they will push against the back of seat thus strengthening their legs.
Don't risk it, it I had car accident when Ewan was about 4 months old, and had he been front faced he could have been badly injured. The car was a write off. even though both my mum and my self suffered whiplash and stiffness after, Ewan was fine initially shocked, but then smiling at the parameds. Also the straps could bruise their chest and ribs if forward facing.
That's what I was told in Mothercare, Hypnorm, I will definately go back there when I do buy one as in Halfords they didn't say anything. :shakehead:
I don't like halfords but we have no mother care in gloucester it was closed down, our nearest is bristol or worcester both around a 50+ mile trip
when ruben outgrew his first carseat (it was TINY and he got both too long and too wide for it! lol) i bought him a larger one that can be forward OR rearward facing, and i'm quite happy with it. (bearing in mind we don't drive and this is just for the odd trip out in my friend's car)

he's much more comfy in it (still faces backwards, but has more room for his legs) and it will last him till he is 4 years or so as the padded insert can come out and the seat can face forward when he is ready for that.

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