got an appointment ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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ok ,ive just got an appointment with the ante clinic but also the sugeon / fertilly consulant ( he must be jack of all womens problems trade lol)

but im confused , its says its my booking appoinment , and will take 2-3 hours but DOESNT INCLUDE A SCAN :twisted:

so what am i seeing the midwife today for lol isnt this my booking in appointment ? im confused !

also on my hossy letter , it says , they offer the blood test for spinabifida and downs between 15-20 weeks , and if i want this i will need a dating scan and to phone a number and book it !

so u can understand why im not confused ? if i go for these blood tests i will get a dating scan and i guess if i dont , i wont :?

the letter buggled me !

but on a good not , the apoointment is on 17th august but i wont be 15 weeks buy then so how can they do the blood tests !

it doesnt make sense lol

sorry fr the ramble !
That is confusing... :?

I would show your midwife your letter when you see her today and see if she can shed any light on it!

Good Luck! :)
It looks like the system in your area is like mine.

At the first bloods appointment they do serology, immunology, virology.... which basically checks if you are immune to rubella, have any viruses, are anaemic, have gestational diabetes.... have HIV, hepatitis, syphillis.... I felt like a pin cushion afterwards.

Then they book me in for a dating scan as soon as possible afterwards (probably in 2- 4 weeks). Then once they have dated the pregnancy they arrange for blood tests at week 15 to check for downs/spinabifida with the midwife. Then another scan at 18-20 weeks for anomalies.
thanks !

in the letter it does say to bring in any maternity notes from my comunity midwife or gp, so i guess im meeting the comunity midwife today !

and i might still see if she can refere me for a scan ! wish me luck !

ruth are u seeing anyone at hillingdon? my consultant is mr chilcot
Hi Gem,

My consultant at Hillingdon is Ms Maguire....

Good Luck this afternoon... Let us know how you go... :)
ello im back from the masaca ! i have rubbish veins and boy did midwife make a meal of me lol

well that appointment pretty much was my booking in , ive had bloods taken , my blue book filled in and got the bounty pack and nhs book .


i have a number to call for a dating scan :dance: ive opted for all bloods to be done and they wont do this without a dating scan anyway !

ive got an extra appoinment becuase of my history and the fact ive just had surgery , i think its ment to be my 16 week check up but i doubt ill be anywhere near that , so midwife said ill prob seen them at 16 weeks unless my hospital continue seeing me themselve , guess i'll know more once ive had a scan and seen my consultant !

she didnt feel my tumym tho , i that odd ? she was in a hurry , she was 30 mins late and when i left there were already 2 peeps waiting to see her !

and how much blood did she take ! my god there were tubes of it !

got loads to read now , and of cause make my scan appointment !
Excellent.. Glad it all went well apart from the butchery!

Let us know when your dating scan is...
woohooo hope u get your scan soon.

They are bloody vampires though, they stole tubes of blood from me last appointment. Hope they dont do that again any time soon :(

I cant wait for Thursday will have another scan and find out my due date i hope
owwie my arm is soooo sore :wall: feels really achey and bruises blooming women !
They dont fiddling with your belly hunni till you hit 20 0dd week andf thats just to check how well the baby is growing, if its head down etc
thats alriht then , cos she said she was gonna then didnt so wasnt sure what was going on !

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