green poo!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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When I changed Violet's nappy this morning her poo was green!!! :puke:
This has never happened before (usually bright yellow!!_....does anyone know why...does it mean she's got a bug or something?

I know different nappies are connected with teething so could it be that??...she already has 2 teeth and although I can't see anymore on their way she dribbles LOADS!!! :roll:

Thanks girlies. :D
Galen had green poos for about a week on and off when he started teething. HV said not to worry overly as it can happen. We had some normal coloured ones inbetween so knew it wasn't a stomach upset. Plus he was fine in every other respect.

Keep an eye and if you have any concerns see your GP but see how the next few poos go also.
:D Thanks Sherlock...she seems ok was just a shock cos it's never happened before.
connor's the king of green poo!

is violet breast fed or bottle fed?

connor had a 2 week spell a while ago when all his poos were green. then it stopped as quickly as it started. because there were no other symptoms at all, the gp & my bf councillor said not to worry, although i did keep him away from other babies at first cos i was paranoid he might have some sort of virus...

and he's got green poo again at the moment - but this time he ate some paper (just over a week ago) and although that all seems to have gone now, his tummy is a little upset still. he's back to his normal crazy self, so i'm not overly concerned.

hope violet's clears up soon!

:hug: :hug:
Ryans had reeeeeeealll dark green poo ever since he was about 6 weeks old, its only the past few weeks where its changed to a greeny brown colour, so i wouldnt worry, sometimes they get it if there windy x
Mine still has green poo! he is on formula which has iron so that could be the cause. I am not too worried coz he doesn't seem to be upset about it. i guess it's normal especially if he didn't go for a day or two then he has it green as smelly. sorry tmi
and he's got green poo again at the moment - but this time he ate some paper

OMG...he ate some paper :shock: what a monkey!!!

is violet breast fed or bottle fed?

she's breast fed hun.

Well it sounds like it's pretty normal...I'll just keep my eye on her to make sure she's not got a tummy bug....I'm sure it's just another one of those baby things :wall: .
Calum has what i call seaweed green poos ever since we come out of hospital and went on powdered formula. Checked with my HV last week and she said that its fine and not to worry unless he is distressed.
Eva sometimes has one-off green poos if I have had a chinese for dinner the night before, dunno whats in the chinese but always the same effect lol :D
I have been told that poo can be green if the baby has taken a little too much milk and so extra milk passes through their system less digested turning the poo green....


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