hi newby here...due 13 August


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Jul 22, 2008
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Hi all just heard about this site a couple of days ago. I am due on 13 August (first baby) ....good at shopping for baby but not much else! My first random question is what snacks / food are you planning to take to keep you and partner going during birth?
Hey Micky! :wave: Welcome to the forum!

Congratulations on your baby! Do you know the sex? I'll add you to the August Baby List :D

Hmmm... I haven't thought about this much but I'll probably be taking things like crisps, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, sandwiches, cereal bars etc :think:

:hug: x
Hello Micky :wave: Welcome to the forum.

I'm going to take high and slow release energy snacks for me ...cereal bars, bananas, dried fruit for me. For OH I think it'll be things like pasties, sarnies and crisps (Of course, that's not to say I won't eat his food too :oops: ).
Hi Micky!! :wave:

Welcome to the forum! Its awesome... :D

I have not thought that far ahead so can't really help you there but I am sure there are plenty of gals on here who will give you some insight!

Best of luck!
Got some biscuits packed. DH will be in charge of making a couple of sandwiches on the day. Didn't want anything salty as I don't want to get dehydrated and I don't really like chocolate. Got some small bottles of cherry coke which is my favourite drink. Will take bananas if we have any in the house on the day. Going to put a small bottle of orange squash in bag also.
:wave: welcome!

I am taking nothing food wise, we are not allowed to eat during labour in our hospital and TBH food was the last thing in my mind during my last labour, OH can blummin fend for himself :lol:

we have a macdonanlds, pub and morrisons just over the road from the labour ward so I can put in orders for stuff if nessisary, the hospital canteen honestly does good food too!
Hiya and welcome :wave:

i predicted last night that i would also pop on the 13th August ( lets see if i'm right )

I'm not planning on taking any snacks, like it has been said, food was the last thing on my mind the last time i went through labour. Just about managed the slice of toast they make you eat after.

As for OH theres a cafe and he's left to see to himself if he wants to eat.....lol
Welcome to the forum and to 3rd tri! :wave: You haven't got all that long to go, you must be really excited! I think I will take things like bananas, flapjacks and lucozade as they are supposed to give you loads of energy :hug: :hug:
lauranjamesnbaby said:
things like bananas, flapjacks and lucozade as they are supposed to give you loads of energy :hug: :hug:

that's exactly what I was going to say I will be taking in with me. Great minds :wink:

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