Hospital Bag - Bottles??


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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This may be a silly question! :? I have been getting bits together for what I will need for my hospital bag. I am planning on formula feeding and have some of the cartons of milk that are already prepared. I was just wondering though when I am in hospital will I need to take some bottles to feed her with or would the hospital supply these to put the formula in and warm it up for me?

Crystal xx
I remember them having a supply of bottle milk in little glass bottles with these pre sterilised teats in packets.

tbh I don't think you need to bother. I know when Tia was born and needed a top up of milk on the first night, I got the milk/cup free.. :think:
check with your midwife but at my hospital they gave you thse little ready made bottles with formula already in it s you dont need to take all of that in :hug:
ours provide those little bottles too but it's room temperature, typically paris screamed
Thanks for the replies, I have bought a couple of the ready to use formula cartons just incase. Suppose they will still be handy if I am going out anywhere to do a quick bottle :D :D
We were breastfeeding and still took a couple just in case - no harm done. When Ryan had to be cupfed on the 2nd night, they gave him the milk free and they had all the brands in and asked me which one I wanted him to have. They also gave me a sterilised cup for free to use at home if I needed to. You'll find the cartons are fab - we get through one a night now for Ryan's 6pm feed on top of breastfeeding. And they are so much easier to use when out and about than carrying a big tub of formula and cooled boiled water - I see the mums at the baby groups with their formula tubs and it all seems like so much effort compared to the cartons I use :)
When I decided to switch onto formula I asked my mum to bring bottles in and got told off! It was the disposable bottles only there.
Thats crazy for telling you off. I think I will just take the cartons of formula just for my own peace of mind so I have the formula that I will be using. Can always take them back home with me if not used. I think I would have a few cartons on hand anyway they do seem like a good idea for when you go out like Leckershell said. Esp as they advise you now not to make up bulk feeds and to make it up fresh instead
They have the disposable ones in hospital, i would assume they have all different kinds because when i asked for milk they asked me which one i wanted!
Squiglet said:
I remember them having a supply of bottle milk in little glass bottles with these pre sterilised teats in packets.

They had the same where we were, but it was a choice of SMA or Cow&Gate so if you prefer a certain formula I'd ring and ask what they have, and in that case you'd need your own bottles, very best wishes :hug:
Thanks for the replies, I intend on using Aptamil. I will just take them just incase then it will put my mind to rest lol
its best to check as hospitals are different. mine didnt suply any milk as they
are obsesed with breast feeding. i planned on breast feeding but took some ready made cartons just in case and got told off!
Thats horrible to tell you off, thats the last thing you need, luckily my midwife didnt moan at me, i didnt even try breastfeeding and they just asked what milk i wanted, thank god!

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