How much weight have you gained so far?

First time mum

Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2008
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Hi Girls

I'm 15 weeks pregnant and jumped on the scales today and have put on 6 pounds since finding out I was pregnant.

I'm not weight obsessed by any means but was just wondering what is a "good" weight gain and was wondering how many weeks each of you are and how much weight you have gained so far.

I never had morning sickness (very lucky) and now find that I have a good appetite and could eat all day although I am tryin to do a little exercise as well.!!!!!!
i will be 25 weeks on friday and up till yesterday have lost 4 pound and im having twins :shock: xxx
I am just over 19weeks and I have put on a total of 11lbs, all bump so i'm some fluid retention! my body seems to luuuurve the fluid! :lol:
Ha ha lisapsoon, I can sympathise with that, I feel bloated with fluid rather than with baby!.

I use to get bad fluid retention just before my periods as well, enough for me to turn to aquaban some months !!!!. I wonder if your more likely to suffer more fluid rentention when pregnant if you have the bloating before periods as well?
When I weighed myself at 24 weeks + 1 day, I had gained 10lb - I have a MW appt on Friday and keep getting worried I will get told off for gaining too much! I feel huuuuuuge!
First time mum said:
I'm 15 weeks pregnant and jumped on the scales today and have put on 6 pounds since finding out I was pregnant.

I'm a few days behind you and have put on about 8 pounds. I'm a bit cross with myself cos at the time of accidently falling pregnant I was trying to lose weight from my 3rd pregnancy and still had about a stone to go.

Really don't want to put on too much this time as have had a real struggle after daughters 2 and 3 but I just can't stop eating! Just trying to make sure it's fruit and rice cakes rather than cakes and crisps.
First time mum said:
Ha ha lisapsoon, I can sympathise with that, I feel bloated with fluid rather than with baby!.

I use to get bad fluid retention just before my periods as well, enough for me to turn to aquaban some months !!!!. I wonder if your more likely to suffer more fluid rentention when pregnant if you have the bloating before periods as well?

I too bloated really badly before my period, so much so all that effort of trying to lose the tummy made it seem pointless since it came back for a week of the month!
I must be our bodies! :hug:
At my 16week antenatal I was weighed and have gained 1.5lb so far
I am 17 weeks and have put on about 10 pounds.
i was weighed at my booking in but have not been weighed again since, i dont have scales at home so i dont know
I have put on about a stone, maybe a bit less, since becoming pregnant and I am 26+5 :)

wow @ rach - I cannot believe you have lost weight!!
I'm 36+6 and I've put on 2 stone, its all on my bump and hips, oh and I reckon my ankles weigh about a stone on their own at the minute!
I had really severe morning sickness in tri 1 and went from 8st 10lb to 8st 5lb.

Ive put it all back on now and then some. I weighed myself yesterday and im now 9st 7lb.
So ive gained 16lb!!!
Prior to getting pregnant I weighed 10 1/2 stone, by 12 weeks I weighed 10 stone, now at almost 25 weeks I'm 10stone 11 lb, luckily it's all baby weight at the front! :D
Im 21 weeks and so far put on about 12lbs.........

I dont think I have put on too much weight on hips, bum etc so far - its all my bump so far!

I had only put on 7lbs at 18 weeks though.
I've put on about a stone now, but that's pretty much all gone on in the last 6 to 8 weeks. My midwife says she has no intentions in weighing me again unless I loook like I'm piling it on (I'm no sure if that should be taken as a compliment or not!)
Between weeks 9 and 14 I lost 5 kilos (about 11 lbs) but I have had horrid sickness and not been able to eat much cos of a severe lack of apetite. I have started to feel better the past week and hopefully I have started put a bit of it back on but I haven't weighed myself again yet.

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