I need ideas from all you chefs!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Im having a BBQ tomorrow afternoon for a house warming/baby shower/birthday type thingy.

My baby sister, who is 21, is coming with her boyfriend. Shes a bit miserable as shes just in the process of being diagnosed with juvenile rhumatoid arthritis (sp??) :(

Shes recently started a food exclusion diet as in young people arthritis has been linked to food intollerances and there have been cases of people who have been totally cured for years and years on it, so considering it s progressive disease, and shes got a ong life ahead of her shes doing the diet. But its making her miserable and I want to have lots of foods available that she can eat tomorrow so she doesnt feel like she has to watch people eating foods she badly wants. But Im really stuck.

She cant have:

dairy products, wheat or any kind of gluten, most grains (although I think she can have corn), potatoes. Basically the only kind of carbs she can have is rice and we discovered today that sweet potatoes are allowed. She has to avoid citrus fruits and onions (incl spring onions etc..)

Its actually REALLY difficult. burgers and sausages have rusk in them which is wheat based so she cant eat them.

So Im gonna have a normal salad which she can have, Ill keep the lettuce, tomatoes and peppers etc... in separate bowls instead of mixing the salad so she can just pick out the bits she knows she can have and avoid the citrus, I think tomato might be citrus??

Then Ive made pasta salads but obv she cant have pasta cos of the wheat so I made a cold rice, prawns and sweetcorn thingy which I hope doesnt taste as bland as it sounds, but i remember having it in the past somewhere.

I did make a potato salad too, cos I didnt realise she couldnt have potatoes and she can have mayonaise. But I put spring onions and chives in it so she couldnt have eaten it anyway :wall:

So I want to do another type of salady thing with sweet potatoes as we have some in the fridge, but I havent a clue what to do!!!

She'll be able to eat;

spicy chicken wings, chicken drumsticks, and chicken skewers (although Im not sure about nuts cos I was gonna make them satay :confused:) then for salads she can have the lettuce etc and the rice salad, and Ive got tortillias cos I THINK she can have corn chips but not potato/wheat based ones. got humous, salsa dip and gonna put out cucumber, carrot sticks and celery. I think if I can make something with the sweet potatoe and herbs then she'll have a really nice choice. made merignues for a desert for her too.

any suggestions, ideas , or experiences of these exclusion diets would be greatly appreciated!
That all sounds amazing hun, sorry I can't ad to it :)
sweet potato crisps as a snack?? or sweet potato wedges? xx
Nothing to suggest except maybe some 'free from' stuff, they have some decent stuff in the supermarkets now. Just wanted to say, your poor sister, she can't eat anything - i love carbs! xxx
Sweet potato wedges are yummy also you could make some homemade burgers for her?

On another note, I'm 22 and got dignosed with arthritis 8 years ago, I was never told about this diet!
Free from ranges in the super markets are great - something to kee in mind for the future. Pizza bases onwards :D
Sweet potato wedges are yummy also you could make some homemade burgers for her?

On another note, I'm 22 and got dignosed with arthritis 8 years ago, I was never told about this diet!

really?! Her consultant wanted her to try it first before medication. It was totally her choice cos its a hard diet to stick to! But you dont stay in it long. You exclude everything in the list for a month (?) and then reintroduce one of the foods, and then I think they measure the rhumatoid antibodies and see which triggers and increase. By the end of it, you should have a list of one or more (if youre unlucky) foods which you know trigger the arthritis.

Im surprised you were never told about it, cos I know most people would rather manage their diet to avoid food intollerances than take medications long term. Just goes to show what a postcode lottery healthcare is. Good uck with your arthritis, hope its not dragging you down too much :hug: xxx
Sweet potato wedges are yummy also you could make some homemade burgers for her?

On another note, I'm 22 and got dignosed with arthritis 8 years ago, I was never told about this diet!

really?! Her consultant wanted her to try it first before medication. It was totally her choice cos its a hard diet to stick to! But you dont stay in it long. You exclude everything in the list for a month (?) and then reintroduce one of the foods, and then I think they measure the rhumatoid antibodies and see which triggers and increase. By the end of it, you should have a list of one or more (if youre unlucky) foods which you know trigger the arthritis.

Im surprised you were never told about it, cos I know most people would rather manage their diet to avoid food intollerances than take medications long term. Just goes to show what a postcode lottery healthcare is. Good uck with your arthritis, hope its not dragging you down too much :hug: xxx

my dr is a jerk.. he told me my arthritis was 'growing pains' for over 2 years before diagnosing me.. ive been on medication for it since i was diagnosed!!

im half tempted to look up this diet as my arthritis is still bad even with meds!!
think its called a food elimination diet. Its used for things other than arthritis. I dont think it works for everyone, but no harm in trying! My sister had arthritis when she was 3 years old, and severe insomnia, then childhood depression, she talked about jumping out the window and dieing when she was 4!!! My mum was at the end of her teather when some professional they saw suggested food intollerances so she did the diet. It totally transformed her as a child. It was amazing. She gradually reintroduced everything, still gets insomnia sometimes now but has only recently had arthritis back again. I suppose her docs want her to do it, cos it worked last time for 15 years or so.

If you need any info about the diet Ill see what my mum has an msg it to you x

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