I went back to work yesterday!! :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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So some of u may know that I'm a self employed freelance photographer but stopped working at 7wks pg due to sickness. After chatting with my husband, we decided I should just stay at home and go back to work when baby is 1.

But I just wasn't happy being a lay-about! It will be different when I have baby to keep me busy but being a housewife just isn't me. So I put my name back out there, and went back to work yesterday :) I was doing headshots for some actors and rented out a studio. So I was busy yesterday and today and it feels brilliant to be me again!!

This is a bit pointless, but I'm feeling so good about it and just wanted to share! X

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Well done you! Understand how hard it's going to be self employed so completely with u wanting to work now! X
Well done for going back, at least being self employed you can dip in a out and do as much or as little as you like :)
Really pleased for you hon! I know you've been suffering but I get that the boredom of not working is equally annoying. Glad you have managed to get back out there and hope that you can continue to work while you are still able to.XX
That's brilliant news hon, well done :) I always think I'd love to be a lady of leisure but I'd be so bored. There is only so much bargain hunt and loose women you can watch lol xx
yay to going back to work.... id have been sooo bored to have been off all that time x
Thanks everyone!

I tried to keep myself occupied but ultimately, going back to work was the right choice! I'm absolutely exhausted now though lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Brilliant news. Glad it went well too! Will you let me know if you ever need an assistant if George Clooney or Brad Bitt book in with you? :D xx
Thats fab news :) good to keep your self busy

Vicki xx
Brilliant news. Glad it went well too! Will you let me know if you ever need an assistant if George Clooney or Brad Bitt book in with you? :D xx

Ooh you will be the first to know!! Lol. X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
So some of u may know that I'm a self employed freelance photographer but stopped working at 7wks pg due to sickness. After chatting with my husband, we decided I should just stay at home and go back to work when baby is 1.

But I just wasn't happy being a lay-about! It will be different when I have baby to keep me busy but being a housewife just isn't me. So I put my name back out there, and went back to work yesterday :) I was doing headshots for some actors and rented out a studio. So I was busy yesterday and today and it feels brilliant to be me again!!

This is a bit pointless, but I'm feeling so good about it and just wanted to share! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Good for you Jayjay... Its always nice to get back on your feet and feel like your doing something rather then nothing! :)
Yay, glad to hear you had a good day. Can imagine with your line of work, your baby girl will be well papped when she comes :) xx
Great idea put your time into work now and enjoy some quality time with bubs when she arrives ,glad it's working out so well for you, all the bestxx
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Ah sounds like you've done the right thing hon. Good luck

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