Is anyone really cold?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Hi, I am experiencing terrible all day sickness as do lots of ladies but I am also so cold all the time and was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? I have the heat on in my house, 3 layers and a blanket and still get cold chills. I am finding hard to eat so maybe its because of this. does anyone know?

Thanks in advance!
HI Skatty,

I had terrible day sickness for the 1st 4 months, it was terrible specially as it was over christmas time too! Couldn't seem to keep anything down! I went to sso my GP no end of times but all they said was we cant give you naything untill 16 weeks! Try this try that :evil: ! I dont really have any suggestions on things to eat really aprt from light foods! And to try and eat something really (i kno thats easier said than done) buit sometimes i found myself feeling even worse because id had nothing! 22 weeks on and im still get morning sickness but it passes by lunch time and is a lot better than it was!

I really hope things get better for you skatty as i kno how hard it is!

I went really cold yesterday and im getting really bad all day sickness too.. its doing my head in, tonic water with a slice of lemon seems to help.

cas x
Hi Kelly and Cas and thank you for my replies. Now I don't know if I am having a lucky good day but....I am feeling ok today. I know a nurse who recommended I take vitamin B6 twice a day. I started yesterday morning and threw up all day, I then had one before going to sleep last night and woke this morning feeling a little nauseous but wasn't sick. I took another 50mg tablet this morning and then ate breakfast and have been to danish lessons in the morning. There is no way I could have done this previously!(I've been throwing up bile!)

I am now eating cheese and onion crisps and drinking ginger ale! I cannot be positive its because of the B6 because my sickness has eased off a bit before but I will see for a few days and if it is still gone I will be shouting about it and will update the post. It is safe to take because any excess in your body comes out in your urine.

I was also told the coldness could be due to hunger, even though the last thing you feel is hungry!

Also do you know if pepto bismal works and can you take it when pregnant? They don't sell it in Denmark but was thinking of having my Mum send some. I remeber it working wonders on hangovers!

I hope you are all having a good day, Katt xx
my mom said something about biscuits with pepto in? app it works really well...gaviscon chewy tablets are meant to help somewhat aswell, i dont know why cause they are for integestion but my sister lived on them for the last few weeks when she discovered them, she had a terrible pregnancy throwing up untill week 36 and found herself on a drip in hospital every other 2 weeks for a while..and that all started from week 8, im nearly at week 8 and im really scared im going to end up like that, thanks for the hint on vitamins though, im already trying the ginger beer thing and cream soda is meant to be good too, i can only seem to eat light things like jelly, or grapes and watermelon and ice cream (bad bad bad!!)

I think alot of sickness is in your head though when you are pregnant, you hear of alot of people saying they were worst after finding out they were pg....i went to the cinema the other day feeling really ill but when i had my mind on the film i was fine and ate loads of popcorn!! then when i was on my way home i felt sick again....i think its more willpower and doing things to take your mind of it, but thats just me at the moment im not been sick, so please dont take this in a bad way as im not saying this is the case for everyone, just me at the moment so it seems! :(...

its just so annoying, i want to be able to eat curry and spag bol and cheese again....omg thunder just scared the poop out of me didnt expect it lol...lovely weather...

good luck hun xx
Hi Cassi, yeah I agree that sometimes its in the head but the last week I have been so sick I tried positive thinking and everything and couldn't stop being sick! Its terrible but everything I have sicked up I can't bare eating again and that's fruit and vegetables, salad and chicken! The only things I can regularly face are marmite on toast and tuna sandwiches!

Thanks for the gaviscon tip, I think they sell that here!

See ya, Katt x

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