Low Blood Pressure!!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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I didn't even know it could be an issue! :shock:

After suffering with headaches, lightheadedness and occasional silver specks in my vision for about a week i went to the doctors yesterday thinking i might have high blood pressure. But no! Its LOW blood pressure and i've been signed off work for 2 weeks!!

I have to lie on my left side to improve circulation to the baby and sit with my legs raised.

Anyone else suffered with this or even heard of it, or am i just a weirdo??
I know alot of women suffer high pressure but im sure its fine hun. Get lots of rest, a good excuse to pamper yourself and put those legs up. :D
yup my blood pressures very low and your normal.

just when ive had brekkie and feel dizzy i gotta eat or drink.

ive felt dizzy in the doc surgery waiting for midwife and been dizzy with midwife and shes had to cut the appt down twice.

if u feel dizzy at home have a drink and lie down. or put your head down and between your knees or as far as u can and have a drink of water and wait for it to pass :)

every appt ive been too its been low, only one time its been high and thats cause i forgot my notes and ran up the steps to get them so i werent late but i was late but so was she lol she said your bp is high so i explained why.

im not getting headaches tho, and only see black spots when i look out window and back again.ive told mw this and she said its nothing cause my bp is low so its not pre-clampsia :) :cheer:
I have low blood pressure last time it was check it was 110/70 and I have those syptoms but they haven't made a big deal bout it. All they said was it happends in pregnancy. Nothing to worry about.
Use this time to take things easy and get others to do the runing about for you.

Let us know how you are getting on. xxx
yep i had this...you just have to do everything at 10 paces slower lol :hug:
Thanks girls, at least know i'm normal!

Kitty86 - i don't know what my blood pressure was when the doctor checked it but at my midwife appointments is always been 100/60. So it must have gone down from that.

enn - did you have low blood pressure all the way through or was it just for a time?
I have a BP of 100/60 too! I've always had a low BP though and luckily it's never been an issue apart from the occasional dizzy spell and like you seeing spots! Once I had a doctor cheekily ask me if I was dead :lol:

After I had my son....feeling like a blubber blob (as you do straight after birth, unless you're Jordan!) I was told I had the BP of a 16 year old, so was absolutely delighted!!

Just make sure you stick to what the MW and doc tell you. You'll be fine. Luckily it's better to be low than high during pregnancy.
mine was 90/60 last time it was checked and I get the occasional white specks, lightheadedness and headaches that you speak of. But I've never been advised to do anything about it....

It usually keeps me in hospital for an extra day if I am there with my Crohns or the baby... but never anything more sinister... besides its much better to have low blood pressure than high as I say.. :cheer:

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