Me and My Monkey Moo...


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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Please don't feel obliged to read this as it will be VERY long!!
I have decided today (5 weeks after giving birth) that I'm going to keep a little diary of all the special, precious moments that happen now that I'm a mummy :)
So many amazing things happen once you have a child that I just want to keep a record of them to look back on over the years.

Aiden Connor Mulliss was born at 12:08pm on Friday 31st December 2010, weighing 8lbs. Best New Years Eve I have ever had!! When people say once you have given birth, any suffering you had during pregnancy and the pain of giving birth all becomes a distant memory once you first hold your precious child, I never used to believe this... Until it happened to me. The immense feeling of love you feel once you hold your little one is truely something else, and all the pain really does become forgettable :cloud9:

I had some meconium (sp?) in my waters once they broke (which apparently is to be expected when babies are late, Aiden was 11 days late!) and so we were kept in over night so they could monitor him incase he'd swallowed any. That night was HORRIFIC! Hospital wards are really the most depressing place in the world. There were two other women on my ward and neither of them could speak a word of english and they spent the whole night shouting their conversations to eachother and one of them was on the phone (very loudly) untill 4am!!! Neither of their babies slept, just spent the night crying, while Aiden was as good as gold, only woke up once for a feed and went straight back to sleep... Needless to say, I didnt get much sleep that night!

When we finally were allowed home Aiden was pretty much the same for the first few nights, slept well, only waking for one or two feeds. This changed about the 4th day where he decided he wanted fed every 2 hours, but still went straight back to sleep and didnt give us any trouble!!

I got the baby blues and spent 4 or 5 days crying at everything, which was weird as I'd never been happier in my life.

Aiden was weighed at about a week old and had put on 2oz which the HV was very shocked at but said it was really good :) so proud of my little man!

Weighed again at 2 weeks and had put on another 4oz :)

Then he became very very greedy and when I had him weighed at 5 weeks he weighed 12lbs 6oz!!!

All in all hes a really happy and contented baby, even when hes hungry he doesnt scream his head off, he'll just whimper a bit until he's fed... I'm expecting that to change though, he cant be perfect forever lol

7/2/2011 - First real smile, followed with a giggle :love: Will smile whenever mummy makes her silly noises for him!

8/2/2011 - Think we're having a growth spurt again today, he's feeding every hour, only wants an ounce or two (very unlike him!) and is having ten minute naps every so often.

I have never been a maternal person and always said I didnt want kids but that changed when I met my OH and I'm so glad it did, I'm so in love with my little man, nothing else compares. I'm so glad I changed my mind about children, I cant imagine life without him now!

I have really enjoyed writing this and am so happy to have something to remind me of every little thing that happens in his life, so I will be updating this reguarly!!

If you actually managed to get this far, thanks for reading!! I'm off to feed the chunky monkey now.

Well, last night was a bloody good night! Aiden slept from 9 - 2 and then 3 - 8:30!!! Most sleep I've had in ages... Hope it wasnt just a one off!

We're going to sign the lease on the flat for another year tomorrow, so at the weekend we'll be shopping for paint etc to decorate the place and will actually be able to give my monkey a proper nursery! Am so looking forward to decorating his room :)
Today's been a good night so far too!
Aiden fell asleep at 7:30 and is still asleep 4.5 hours later :) I really hope it lasts!

Have had lots of smiles today, as soon as I picked him up this morning he smiled at me :cloud9: truly amazing
The past few weeks have been really difficult :(
Became a single mummy 19/2/11 really not how I expected things to happen but I'm managing quite well!

25/2/11 Went to our first party as a family on Friday, felt amazing to get dressed up and be myself for a change instead of just Stacey the mummy (though I was still very much in mummy mode all night!) managed to drink a bucket load of Archers and still stayed sober! Anyway, had a brilliant night and got to show off my gorgeous boy :)

27/2/11 had a really bad day today, no sleep for either of us, Aiden has done nothing but scream all day, so unlike him he barely even cries when he wants fed!
28/2/11 pretty much stayed the same today, lots of crying, no sleep, feeding every 1-2 hours. Took him to the doctors for his eye as the sticky stuff had came back, got some eye drops (bloody nightmare to put in!) but after 2 days his eyes pretty much cleared up! Doctor said maybe he's being grizzly because his eye is annoying him but I think it was something else.

Woke up at 6:30 this morning in an absolute panic, thought something was wrong with Aiden as he didn't wake for his 3am feed! Such a horrible feeling but everything is fine, he'd just slept straight through!!! 10-7 he slept, I'm amazed!
He has his first jabs today, really not looking forward to it at all, hopefully he won't be too bad from them cos it breaks my heart when he isn't his usual chirpy self!!
i read all of this!!! absolutely lovely! i never thought id feel as happy as i do now that i have my little marley-moo! (we have similar nicknames for our lo's lol) i feel complete!!!
Ah thanks Hun, I keep forgetting to update it, got so much more to add before I forget!
I feel exactly the same, it really is amazing being a mommy :)
Wow really havent updated this for a while!

Not much has changed or happened really since last update though.

I've discovered Aiden LOVES toy story, he will sit and watch it all the way through and then fall asleep as soon as it finishes, he wont do this with anything else (except hollyoaks lol) and he even giggles at it (not at the funny parts so think hes just excited by all the colours). Its absolutely adorable to watch :love:

He also loves being tickled but only on his right side, gives him a proper little belly laugh, very amusing :)

Since I last updated he's slept every night from 7:30/8 until 6am so that has been lush for me and Lee, lots of us time ;) though now I'm getting more sleep I'm even more shattered than before!!

Hes a very good little man, always smiling and loves having conversations with his Glowy (lullaby glow worm!) and he adores baths... He's always liked them but lately he cries when we take him out to get him ready for bed!! So hopefully when we take him swimming he'll love that too!!

18/3/2011 - Bought little man his first fishes! He loves sitting and watching them, hope I dont bloody kill them am pretty useless with fish!

Me and Lee are getting on much better and weirdly I think Aiden has picked up on our happiness as he's now more happy than he usually is.. or maybe its just cause he's getting older lol

Ah, anyway, I'm sure there'll be more to come soon enough but for now this is all I can think of!
Im not very good at keeping this up to date! Thought Id have more time but no :(

Aiden has got a proper little giggle now, Laughs at absolutely anything, even if no one is playing with him, its so funny I think he's got a screw loose!!

6/4/11- Had his second lot of jabs, had to get my sister to take him as I couldnt bare it after last time :( but he was fine for her (typical!), didnt even cry! Such a brave boy.

8/4/11- Had a family day out to the nature centre... Didnt think it would be that good for A being so young but he noticed every animal, he's very nosey! Was a good day for us too, was nice to finally do something as a family for a change :)

A is trying his best to crawl, just cant figure out how to lift the front half of his body up but hes getting there.
Also keeps stealing food off my plate and laughing his head off when he does, bless him.

Not much else to report for now, holiday soon though so I'm sure I'll have lots of exciting stories after that!!

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