

Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Hi folks,
I was wondering what folk think!
Before TTC I was taking Amytriptaline prophylactically for migraines. I haven't had too many problems since stopping it but yesterday morning and again this morning I've woken up at 4 with the most horrendous migraine! I had to stay off work yesterday and thankfully I don't work on Fridays. I'm starting to wonder if these might be related to blood sugar levels since it seems to be early morning. I came down to the sofa this morning, had a couple of paracetamol (which didn't touch it yesterday, but cleared as the day went on) and a few roses chocolates (as an experiment I suppose) and it's almost cleared!
I've got an obstetrics appointment on Tuesday so will mention it there but very odd, I really hope this doesn't happen every morning, it's exhausting!!! :sleep:
I hope it doesn't happen again :( Sounds awful. Loving the idea of chocolate as medicine though - I'd keep a big box by your bed and snack on them every time you have to get up to wee in the night! Sorry for having no useful advice though - I'm sure there will be someone on here with more experience of migraines :hug:
I think its normal for migranes to occur/increase while pregnant. I only get them during pregnancy, they are awfull. I hope they go away for you xx
Hi - my migraines usually increase during pregnancy, mine are related to progesterone (hence the massive problems I had when I had depo-Provera) and since that increases during pregnancy I expect it to give me more migraines, its miserable because usually I can take Migraleve and that stops it if I go and lie down but being up the duff means no drugs! Im hoping this time I dont get any but you never can tell. Good luck with your chocs! :)

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