Morning Sickness/Nausea at work


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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I'm really suffering big time with nausea and sickness at work, so much so that my boss has asked me to go to the doctors and see if i can get a sick note for a week untill im more useful at work again.

Any tips? I need to go back to work :(

I just have ginger nuts with me in my bag and they seem to do the trick x A friend told me you can get tablets for it and they wont harm you or the baby but my gn seem to work fine!
you can get antisickness bracelets and stuff like that, the one thing i found helped me was eating!! i felt sick, so didnt eat, therefore ended up feeling even more sick thru hunger! hope it gets better soon for you tho :hug:
Yeah I have to eat pretty much every hour, luckily my boss is very understanding and lets me 'graze' on stuff all day!
I have a very physical type job (I work in a coffee shop) so im always carrying pots around and stuff so i dont even get 5 minutes to settle my stomach.


*Edit* just looked on the internet and apparently im not the only one who has these specific troubles. Mine is mainly dry retching without actually being sick, I can even do it on a full stomach. Nice to find out that others are going through that too, heh.
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Luckily I was recovering from an op when we found out we were expecting so luckily my sickness fell in the 10 weeks I was signed off :) I don't know HOW i'd have coped at work. I work on a careline so couldn't just run down the office half way through a call! lol!
I was on those anti sickness tablets - they're called cyclizine. They made me really drowsy so I couldn't drive. Not very practical if you want to work still! I could decide what was worse, the sickness or the feeling of being incredibly intoxicated!
I've read somwhere that if your employer can't offer you a temporary change of job (to something more suitable and nearer the toilet) that you can get suspended on full pay untill it has passed. Anyone else heard this? I've had to call in sick to work today as I woke up feeling sick because I was hungry and then spent the next hour trying to find a food that my stomach would accept, and dry heaving at the ones that didn't suit me. :( lying in bed right now licking yoghurt of the back of a spoon and eating dry honey nut cornflakes. Lol.

I've had awful sickness up to the point I was throwing up 6 times a day! It was awful! I got those anti sickness bands that took the edge off the sickness but it's only been the past week that the sickness is starting to settle. I was sick yesterday at work for the first time though so have been quite lucky with work it's just when I'm at home I'm rough! I hope it passes for you soon :)
I drink a glass of ginger ale in the mornings and it really helps keep the sickness away and its nice 2 just tastes like brown lemonade x
The eating little and often Also like someone mentioned, you can get anti sickness pills from your doc if its really bad. I was more of a dry wretching kinda person too, so embarrasing isn't it xx
OK, prepare for a pregnant lady rant!

I am so bloody sick of feeling ill. I have figured out that if I dont eat ever 2 hours almost on the flippin' dot, I start to feel sick all over again. The mornings are the hardest because I wake up and have to persuade my stomach that food is a good thing and that i wants it. It took me 2 hours this morning to eat a yoghurt and a babybel because I could only stomach little nibbles at a time. I have to go back to work in a couple of days and I am not going to be able to keep this up! Believe it or not I am sick of the sight of food! I used to love my food but having to eat someting every 2 hours is just annoying, especially when there isnt much food in the house! It wouldnt be so bad if I could have a glass of milk and a couple of buiscuits but i have tried and that doesnt make the nausea go away! I have to have almost a full bloody meal every time! What am I going to have to do, take a whole loaf of bread with me to work every day?! I love how it says in all these places that have advice to take 5 minutes and sit down to eat every couple of hours, at work im lucky if i have time to stuff something in my mouth whilst running around cleaning up after customers, let alone sit down to do it. My boss doesnt seem to beleive me either, she seems to think that I am far to early on in my pregnancy to even contemplate morning sickness, I dont know what pregnant women she has known!

Grrrr! I know it's all worth it in the end and that it only lasts for the first few months but I dont know if im strong enough to get through it. I feel so damm lonely, useless and pathetic that every time i start heaving, i cry. I'm miserable and I want a cuddle.

oh hunny its horrible for you to feel this way,
I'm sure there must be something your boss can do to make your job easier for you, but tbh she sounds like my boss, and he's a pain in the backside!

I hope you find something soon that you can stomach in the mornings,

Bug hugs x x x
Thanks bonny, just knowing that someone is reading this helps so much. Im thinking I may take a trip to the pharmacy and try some ginger tablets for it as well. Im thinking that if I keep some Gaviscon by my bed and take a swig of that as soon as i wake up, it may make the mornings easier. The only problem is going to be transferring these theories to work. I may just have to live on marmite sarnies for the next 2 months, lol. I will have to see what I can do, just hope it clears up soon.

I have no experience of morning sickness, the nausea was bad enough but I would definately speak to your GP!!!! It may be that your employer needs a bit of a kick to make changes for you, or you need some time off. Remember you and bubs health is the most important thing. Sick pay does vary from place to place but the new 'fit note' has just come in which the GP can state you are fit to work, but only if certain changes are made to your workplace or work routines. If your employer cannot make these changes then they are obliged to commence sick leave on full pay. Good luck, hope it passes soon!!!
You poor thing. I really do have sympathy for you. Perhaps you should go and see the doc. I am have now been feeling sick for 6 weeks and there is no way I would have been able to work. Luckily I haven't got a job at the moment and I am not sure how I would have coped. You really need to see someone about this as I am not sure how long you will feel like this for.

I found that eating lots is better than eating bits. If I have a slice of toast I tend to want to throw it up. If I eat quite a bit I actually feel better. Its just making yourself eat when you don't want to which is the hard part. Also, all I can drink is water (in sips). Perhaps try a hot water as I feel this is better. After a few hours I always get the churn in my tummy which means I must instantly eat or I feel worse by the minute. Jam sandwiches have been good. Jacket potatos too, as they are quick to do in the micro.

Anyway, be good to hear how you get on. Reducing stress also helps, as I find that makes me sick.

Take it easy.
Oh, and also, I found some ginger chews in the health shop. They are great to take the taste away in your mouth. Murray mints have been a godsend too as they are subtle mints. x
I'll go to the docs tomorrow morning. I'm wondering if I could be signed off work for a while as there isnt really any non physical jobs there that I could do. It doesnt make me feel better when my boss makes me feel bad about how little work I am able to do. Most of my job relys on speed and carrying things, both of which are quite hard when feeling sick. :)

I have just been signed off for 4 weeks. I think that might be the maximum at a time, they would see you again and review whether to give you another 4 or not. My manager in theory was flexible, in practice not at all!!!

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