Nursing chairs - are they worth it?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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So I'm looking on eBay for second had nursing chairs. There seems to be a few out there of the glider type with footstools. I just want to know if anyone's used these and whether they are worthwhile?
I haven't got a nursing chair as such, but I do have a reclining chair in LOs room which is use to bf in before bed and during the night. It's the chair out of my office with a nice throw on it. I'm not sure I would have forked out for an actual nursing chair though x
I love my nursing chair! one of the best things i bought, its lovely and comfy i got mine of kidicare for about £140 i hunted high & low for a second hand one without any luck xx
I love my nursing chair! one of the best things i bought, its lovely and comfy i got mine of kidicare for about £140 i hunted high & low for a second hand one without any luck xx

Thanks. What brand did you buy?
My OH has just set mine up for me and its great, well worth every penny :D just need Missy now x x
I hate the ones that my local Mothercare have in their feeding room - the big arms got in the way and made positioning a 'difficult' feeder really hard. I managed ok with a normal office swivel chair :)
They had a couple of the Dutailier ones at John Lewis when I was ordering my furniture so I tried them out. I liked the more expensive one (doh!). Think I'll look out for one of these second hand and sell it on again when I'm done with it.
I used mine for nursing about 3 times lol My dog uses it the most for staring out the window lol Done all my BFing on the sofa watching tv lol
I love mine! I use it for all of Annie's feeds before naps and bed times. I can rock away to soothe her if she wakes in the night and the rocking footstool just makes the whole motion more smooth. Mine is a leather one which wipes clean any spillages or vomit.

I really wasn't sure about getting one at first, but I'm really glad I did. I think mine is a 'Valco' one (I live in Oz, so not sure if they do them in the UK too)

Happy shopping! :)

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