

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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I had been on the pill pretty much since I was 15... had the odd time off it but never for long..... since coming off the pill to TTC I am having shocking periods.... at least every other month they are really heavy, cramps and passing out... sometimes this seems to be every month tho and the pains etc last pretty much the whole period.. which is normally about 3-4 days!!!

I woke up this morning with a pain so bad that I thought I had a water infection..... got up and went to the loo and there was my AF the next thing I know ive passed out :(

I just wondered if this was normal and is anyone else passes out when they have there AF. All I can say is that at this moment in time im pleased im not working cause there is no way I would be able to go into work feeling like and do and possibly passing out at work :( but can you imagine if I got a job and have to have 3 days a month off cause of my period!! how bad does that sound!!!!

really need some cuddles.... OH is good but hes a man and just put me to bed :lol: im just pleased he was off work to catch me when I fell off the loo when I passed out :(
aww here are some cuddles :hug: :hug: :hug:

ive been on all sorts on contraception since i was about 14/15 coz of bad periods and havent really had a proper period since. I had the implant out in march and fell preg straight away, still havent got my first AF following mc. god only knows i might have shockingly heavy ones again like all those years ago.

i dont think u should be passing out tho!!!!!! :shock: id maybe see ur doc. a friend of mine had awful periods and she kept passing out, i think they had to do a load of tests and i think she got diagnosed with endimitriosis. or you might get super anemic and might need extra iron when ur having ur period??? dunno, get ur bum down to the docs u poorly thing. :hug: :hug:
Yeah I didnt think it was right to be passing out either.. I kinda expected my first "real" none pill period to be painful but nothing like they have been....

Its the same thing now everytime I pass out sorry if this is tmi but I feel like I need to poo... then have to run to the loo, make myself poo then I feel sick and pass out...

I honestly thought I was either dying or having a baby this morning cause the pain was that bad!!!
ah you poor thing i know how you feel- i've been on the pill since i was 16 to regulate my periods they were terrible, i'd miss school at least for the first 2 days and have also passed out, once my mum told me to go for a walk as it might help..i walked to the shop and passed out at the counter..i literally could not stand up i just had to dose up on ibruprofen- or feminax, grab a hot water bottle and try and sleep in bed..i also used to throw up when it was bad and got anemic(sp) the pill really helps me loads and thats all that helps so i don't know what to suggest as you are TTC..hopefully you'll get your BFP soon- :hug: i must say though i was not straight back on the pill after Hayden as i got pg on it and was looking at other contraception and my periods were not bad anymore. weirdly! coz i was dreading it! have you seen the doctor coz it can be a sign of endometriosis(sp) i was checked and didn't have it..but if they are that bad you are passing out it could be a possibility!
thanks fran, its nice to know im not the only one that has passed out like this, im def going to have to make an appointment to see the dr like cause I wanna see what the options are ect... I cant wait to get my BFP and not have to think and worry about it... im def without a doubt going back on the pill when im done like cause this is unbearable

im dosed up on painkillers now which seem to be helping its nice that OH is on holiday this week and ive been luck cause every time ive been this ill with them hes been off work.. poor thing aint got a clue what to do with me, all he knows is that when im on I have to have galaxy :lol:

thanks again

:hug: :hug:
:shock: eek! glad ur ok u couldve cracked ur head open on the bathroom tiles! goodness me my periods were nothing like that didnt kno u could pass out from them. i only started mine age 13 and went on the pill at 15 too. not had a natural period since then but i remember they were quite light anyway. hope ur ok hun :hug:
I know Trixie I was so happy that OH was there, he kept me sat on the loo till I came around then put me to bed with some painkillers..

Pains arent as bad at the mo but I am high as a kite on painkillers.... :)
heres Dr Frans prescription-

Feminax/strong ibuprofen
Hot water bottle wrapped in a hand towel so its not too burning!
Girly magazines
hug from your man
Trashy TV
and lots of :sleep: :sleep:
fran_23 said:
heres Dr Frans prescription-

Feminax/strong ibuprofen
Hot water bottle wrapped in a hand towel so its not too burning!
Girly magazines
hug from your man
Trashy TV
and lots of :sleep: :sleep:

:lol: perfect Dr Fran my night is planned

Kate and petes on later so thats pretty trash, saying that I cant miss an episode :lol: OH has told me im not cooking so we are going to the chipie sooo im going to have my tea, bath, jarmies on, read a few mags on the sofa all snug with Lee, eat lots of Galaxy and watch kate and pete .... sounds like a plan... saying that I will be posting on here as well so im 100% addicted to PF :lol:
yeh i missed PF off my prescription tut tut..sorry!!
i love pete and kate too but its starting to annoy me now coz
i think how come she treats him like that and hes still loving and dedicated..yet my man has to leave when i wasn't half as bad to him!!
Oh, hun, sorry you are feeling crap. I never passed out during period, but I know my friend has. Her GP told her it can sometimes happen. During this time you just have to eat sugary things (like chocolate) and try to rest as much as you can. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I used to either pass out or be sick for the first year or two I had periods but it's not right you're suffering that bad now hun.

I agree with the others, get your doctor to check you out, probably nothing wrong but at least it will stop you worrying :hug: :hug:
i do think you should get checked out, could be the amount of blood your loosing is too much or you may be anaemic. Get your doc to run some tests. and keep that hot water bottle on your tum to try and ease the pains.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls as always your advice helped... I feel a little better today....saying the OH came to the loo with me first thing hahahaha!!! should laugh about ti really.. going to make an appointment to see my Dr and get checked out but its nice to know that others have passed out during that time of the month so at least i know im not alone!!

thanks again

Theres Feminax you can get over the counter, especially for period pains, worth a shot :hug:
Yeah I used to take that when I first got my Periods many years ago... Thinks me will have to invest :)
I used to have really bad periods, i'm intrigued to see what ,ine will be like once they start again.

From the age of 12 I was on the pill due to the intensity of them, and every month i'd end up off school for at least one day. I have passed out from them lots too. it's awful so you have my utter sympathy xxxxx

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