

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Hi ladies.
I have a question regarding the pill. I was prescribed to take micronor the mini pill which contains only progestrone as i was breastfeeding. I've stopped breastfeeding for two days now as my supply is almost nothing and am intending to use the normal pill which contains both progestrone and oestrogen.
the thing is since taking the mini pill i had irregular periods and i know the other pill u can control ur period.
my question is how do i start taking the normal pill. shall i just stop the mini and start the other pill immediatly?
my gp told me somtheing about starting to take on the first day of my period. does it have to be the case?
the best thing to do is stop that pill and wait for your first true period- (obviously use condoms if you are naughty)
and start the combined pill on the first day of your period and the you are protected straight away and you know exactly where you are in your cycle etc. The pill can be started anywhere in your cycle but you must use other protection for 7 days- and then you might be a bit confused cycle wise :) hope that helps!
Ditto what has been said above. Wait for your next proper period so you can be sure you are taking them correctly.
Ha ha, please be careful, this is pretty much how I got pregnant for the 4th time - I was stopping breastfeeding and switching pills. Didn't have a period, just went straight into it and lo and behold here I am a few weeks later with a BFP! Whoops!
Thanks all for ur replies.. and no no no i don't want to do the same mistake not now lol. although i would like to have another one soon but first i need to loose the baby weight.
i am confused though about something. when i start my period and start taking the combined pill which are 21 then stop for a week. if i take it on the first day of my period then i will have another period in less than a month? did u get what i mean ? i am confused about this point.
You should have a bleed sometime in the 7 pill free days.

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