Play pens?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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What's your view on playpens? LO isn't crawling yet but it all over the floor and gets where he wants! In worried in a week or so I'll not be able to even go toilet! Was going to get one just to keep him safe in wouldn't use it just to 'dump' him in! What do u think?! X
My older son played in his play pen and napped in his, i wld pul it all around my house at the start, he us to happily sit in his mine was a travel cot but same idea. I have a friend who hates them but i have bought another travel cot for this time round too so i think they are very handy x
I think they are so handy, zac is everywhere all the time so I need it to know he is safe if I have any little jobs to do x
I will definitely invest in one for my 2 or else my house will be a wreck :lol:
I don't have one. I've never been keen on them tbh. I've just babyproofed as much as I can (obviously you can't baby proof completly!) and if Im honest, she follows me round anyway. Shes pretty much happy playing in which ever room Im doing jobs in so all is fine.

I think I don't like them because some people do just put their children in them, but I can totally see why they're useful :) As said above, kiddicare do some good ones
I have a lindam one, it's a hexagon with fabric Walls and Isla sits there happily for half hour at a time. I only use it when I get up in the morning and I have alot to get done. Now he's crawling I think it'll get used alot!

August mum I totally agree I would never do that! It's just for safety if I nip to the toilet or put washing out, or though I do agree in most cases Babs can just come with! X
I will check kiddicare thanks xx
Esoames and everyone do u think that shape better than the rectangle travel cor one? I can't decide which? I don't need it to double up as a travel cot as parents have got them! xx
I don't think it matters on the shape really, just which ever you prefer :)

I felt kinda bad when I wrote that incase people took offense but I know that most people probably just use them like you will, to just do jobs and need it incase they pop out the room etc or shower even! Ive just never felt the need for it although sometimes it probably would have been useful!
Mine turns from a hexagon in to a rectangle, so I've got the best of both worlds. X

Aw that is good! X
My worry augustmum is that when I return to work I will come and find my hubby on playstation and baby in play pen and I'd go mad!!! Don't worry I'm sure everyone knows what u mean! Xx OH did this with the jumperoo. He saw it as a form of babysitter. He'd put her in it and leave her there while he was on the laptop until I'd come in and give him the death glare. OH did this with the jumperoo. He saw it as a form of babysitter. He'd put her in it and leave her there while he was on the laptop until I'd come in and give him the death glare.[/QUOTE

My oh does exactly the same! Either that or she's sat on his lap both gawping at the tv... Grrrr OH did this with the jumperoo. He saw it as a form of babysitter. He'd put her in it and leave her there while he was on the laptop until I'd come in and give him the death glare.[/QUOTE

My oh does exactly the same! Either that or she's sat on his lap both gawping at the tv... Grrrr

that's so funny ladies, my OH gets the death glare too, OH thought spending time with Devon was putting him in the baby bouncer seat and bouncing him with his foot while on Laptop! I got so fed up with it, I washed and retired the seat to the loft the other day!! Then he has to be more aware that Devon is on the play mat on the floor....

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