Position of baby


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Yesterday i was told my little missy is still in the transverse position, head on the left, bum on the right(which she keeps sticking out) and she seemed quite comfy. At this point with Adam he was head down already, i think its amazing how every pregnancy is so different. Does anyone else know the position of their little one? x x

funny that you mentioned it - I've been to a mw appointment today, and she said that my baby's body is also mostly on the right! I think I actually felt it moving into this position yesterday - it felt like half of my tummy moved :)

anyway, she said it's nothing to worry about at this stage. Btw, do you know when it becomes important?
I think baby can move at any stage hunny, could imagine it being quite painful the last few weeks though.
I was just curious whether anyone else had been told where their little ones were.
I have also been told with 2nd babies that their head can engage minutes before labour! x x

Pretty sure she's just moved from laying top to bottom to left to right. Have been getting kicks all down right side and a couple of times as if she's caught her foot on the bottom of my rib cage lol
My bump has went all wonky today and I can actually feel where baby is on the right hand side, I can feel his/hers body but I have no idea if they are head up or what!

its amazing that mw's can feel and tell you, i'll be sure to ask when I have my apt next week

I feel mine shifting and when I wake up in the morning it's really obvious where the baby is lying cos there's a lump on its own lol x
I have no idea! lol! I know he wriggles around a lot and can definately tell when he rolls rather than kicks! Am gonna ask my MW at next appointment as would be interesting to know!......I know at my 20 week scan he was cephalic though, although the amount of movement that's been going on he could be in any position by now! lol xx
Btw, do you know when it becomes important?

I think it's from 36 weeks that they really should be head down, so there's still plenty of time for your little wriggler!
Susanne oh right thanx for the info xx
My little man was in that position all the way through lol till about 37 weeks :) this one is all over to my left but not sure as I'm only 20 wks! May have more idea tomorrow after my scan :) x
Just to ask, how do M/W's determine the position of your LO? x

I've got a friend who is a midwife, she said they feel for the head and the bum first - the head being round and hard, the bum being also round but wider and more squishy - and then they feel their way from there onwards, the back apparently is like a hard ridge, so that's how they can tell the position and also know where the best place is to hear the heartbeat. But apparently it's not always that easy, especially with larger ladies or where the baby is lying back to back rather than back to front.

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