Private Scans


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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I was just wondering if anyone has paid for any private scans over and above what is provided by the NHS? And if so, what was the reason for choosing them?

I see that the NHS doesn't always offer Nuchal scans to check for down's syndrome - is it worth paying extra for it?

Also, has anyone had an early scan at say 8 weeks? Am contemplating it as would love to know that everything is ok.

Thanks for your help.
Hi Fran,

I was just literally looking into this, I wanted to see how much the 4d scans were. I think I'd like to get one done just to be nosey, and also to feel 100% sure of the sex, as I'm so impatient! Costs about £120 from what I've seen, and we can take a dvd to show the family. They are only from 24 weeks though I think.
With my first, think I had a scan quite early on, but that was simply because I was totally unsure of my dates.
It does put your mind to rest, pregnancy is so full of little worries you just can't help, I don't think anyone would regret having a little more reassurance.
No one would look back in 3 years and think, gosh I wish I didn't pay for that extra scan.

Angela x
I've had both. :)

NT scans with the blood tests are between £150 and £200. I had one with this pregnancy and my last one. Are they worth it? Well that really depends on you. To me they were because I was 34 last time and and 35 this time so getting up towards the higher risk age for DS. We wanted to find out our risk because we might not have chosen to continue with the pregnancy. I cant say for sure because I was fortunate enough not to have to think about it as my results showed a very low risk both times. NT screening is done between 11 and 13+5 weeks so we wanted to know as early as possible. The NHS triple testing is about 16 weeks then how ever long of amnio if needed so you might be up nearer to 20 wks by the time you knew if any decisions needed to be made. If you know that you baby having DS wouldnt make a difference to you and you would continue then I wouldnt bother - just have the triple testing and save your money for a 4D scan.

Gender scans can usually be done from 16 weeks. I have paid £65 for a basic gender scan with 4 pictures. Check with the company as they often dont say they do them so early but they will and they might not mention very basic packages in their advertising :)
I had a 4D and it was an amazing experience, got a DVD and pics and really felt like the baby was mine. We had it on hubbie's birthday to make it a little special and involve dad too
It is so varied how different countries operate - I was given an NT scan and blood test as a matter of course at around 11 weeks in Australia. I do think that you shouldnt have to pay for it once you get to a certain age in this country though.
Some areas of the UK offer it free too - Peterborough do I know. It's daft really isnt it. It's seen as the gold standard in non-invasive DS screening now but I guess as with everything, it comes down to cost.

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