Recovering from c section tips


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Didn't expect it to happen at all so just needing advice from other c section people on how you got better quickly and didn't cause any lasting damage or anything that slows down your recovery...
Hey hun congrats on your LO! ;) a few tips from me.....

Keep taking your meds for a good few weeks! I stopped at 3 weeks and it was too soon so had to start them again.

Really do take it easy for the first few weeks. I was always wanting to be up and doing things and pulled my stomach a few times.

Get your dressing off as soon as poss after you get home and get loads of air to your stomach. After a bath or shower I also use to dry mine with the hairdryer to keep it nice and dry!

Invest in some big knickers to go over your much more comfortable!

Think that's it from me :) xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Didn't expect it to happen at all so just needing advice from other c section people on how you got better quickly and didn't cause any lasting damage or anything that slows down your recovery...

Congratulations on your new little one. Remember to carry a pillow on your stomach in case you have to sneeze or cough; the pillow will help protect you c-section area for comfort.
Thank you ladies! We took the dressing off whilst I was still in the hospital yesterday so it's been having quite a good airing. Feeling a little tender and sore atm but managing to do things still just slowly lol. Really hoping I can go home today!!! X
Congratulations on your Lo!

I had a planned c section because savannah was 9 14 so I was a little more prepared... I imagine having an emergency section must be really hard so hope your ok.

There has been some really good advise on here so far. I agree to keep taking your tablets for as long as you need them and try to be aware when they are coming if your in a bit of pain and need to get up to do sonething then you know its probably best to wait until you've had your next set of tablets. Taking tablets for a long time can make you constipated though so if your struggling in that department don't strain just ask the mw to give you a tablet that can help and you will feel much better.

If your Lo is quite heavy it might help to feed her on a pillow, I found the v shape ones really good for everything... feeding, helping keep me propped up at night, and holding against my tummy whilst walking.

Try not to get frustrated... It took me a good couple of weeks to be able to sleep lying down and there were many nights in the first couple of weeks when i had to sleep sat up. Everybody is different and only you know what is comfortable for you to do.

Try to keep the wound clean and dry. I cleaned mine by just putting the shower over it but was too scared to dry it and it got infected.

If i think of anything else I will add it.

Hope you recover ok and congratulations on your Lo. I'm sure your feeling all over the place because of the emergency section but well done! Be proud of yourself :)


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