Second size cloth nappies


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
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Another cloth nappy thread!
Just wanting to know peoples' recommendations...
My daughter is just coming up to 8 months and so far, Little Lambs fitted bamboo size 1 have been great, but we're definitely needing to size up because they're now too short at the back and sometimes we end up with... well... poo all up her back!
I was simply going to go for the next size of the same nappies, but they are bulky and she is a lot more wriggly and wanting to roll off during nappy changes. I don't think she's far off crawling, so I'm worried that the fitted nappies, with the boosters and liner and wrap might be too much faff to try to get on her quick enough! So I'm considering either a pocket, or birth to potty style. We have two Little Lambs pocket nappies, which we've experimented with the past 2 days, but while they kept in poo fine, they seem to leak wee at the leg - we've gone through a couple of outfits with them.
What is better: pocket, all-in-one or -two, or birth to potty nappies in this situation? What brands do people recommend?
Thanks in advance!
I've bought tots bots all in one for this one. They seem so much easier, my son is 10 so the choices were 2 layer ones which were super bulky. I'm under the impression from reading that the tots bots ones I've got are one size and seem very adjustable :)
I'd recommend approaching a nappy library and seeing if you can borrow a nappy trial to see what works best for your little one. I prefer to use pocket nappies because I can change the inserts to suit my babys needs but I also have a few Bumgenius all in ones which are nice and slim fitting and I can also lay an extra booster in there if I feel I need to.
We were a bit pressed to get it sorted as her bum was pretty much sticking out of the little lambs with all her wriggling, so decided to go for tots bots star easyfit during the day (which I liked the look of - seems you can put extra boosters in those if needed, and the leg fit looks better) and a couple of bamboozles for the night. Got a decent price on 5 packs of the easyfit too. Hope these do the trick! :)

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