She stood up!!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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And not the one you'd expect!! Was at toddler group earlier and she was stood up holding my hands and kept trying to let go! I was proper shocked cos I've not had her standing up for a while! Was dead suprised how stable she was!

So anyway we've just been playing and she was standing up so I let go to see what she'd do! It was only a few seconds but she didn't like crumble and just reached out And held on to me!! She stood up holding onto the walker for aaaaages as well! She's not even 8 months yet :shock:

her sister on the other hand is just a lazy sod :lol: she's started trying to pull herself up, not very hard mind! She stood up for ages at playgroup the other day playing with the water tray - think she forgot she was standing! She knows she can get about without walking tho! She was pushing a pram about earlier, shame she was still sat on her bum :roll:
:love: She's getting so grown up!

:lol: at Katie pushing a pram sitting on her bum :rofl: Who needs slow wobbly walking when you can get around so much faster without it eh?!
K and her walking doing my head in! I can't believe her sister who is a year younger is further ahead than her in the walking stakes!! Am gona demand she sees the physio at her next check up!
I'm sure she just needs to realise that she can - she's had to find other ways of getting around and is probably quite happy still doing the same x
She's just bone idle :lol: she stood up for ages at the water table at playgroup thr other day purely cos she was distracted and forgot! Her postures all wrong tho she tries to stand kinda leaning over like she would b if she was sat down iykwim? I spose that's what you get when you've only ever sat up!!
aww bless e standing already doesnt seem like 5 mins since you had her
She's just bone idle :lol: she stood up for ages at the water table at playgroup thr other day purely cos she was distracted and forgot! Her postures all wrong tho she tries to stand kinda leaning over like she would b if she was sat down iykwim? I spose that's what you get when you've only ever sat up!!

physios at work sometimes lend kiddies standing frames. kind of stand on a board and theres a frame in front of them, then you strap in the back of their knees and hips and it kind of forces them to stand with a good posture to get used to it. They go in it for like 10 mins per day, you can get trays on the front of them so you can put toys on the tray to play with, probably to distract!! I'd def be insisting on seeing a physio, surely the longer shes in the wrong position the harder it will be to change (?)
Oo thanks for that info hun! Il defo be insisting on seeing a physio! I just can't see how she's gona learn to stand up if she can't get her posture right! I mean, babies automatically get the right posture so that's hindering her too! I just had a friend round whose little boy was rubbing round with thr walker and even that didn't encourage her to do it!

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