Sickness with baby number 3 :(

Rachel Ann

Nov 12, 2009
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I am 7 weeks pregnant with baby number 3 and my sickness has officially kicked in!!!! With baby number 1 I just had a wee bit of nausea, baby 2 well.....sickness until I was 22 weeks, and it only eased off from wearing sickness bands and have a feeling this pregnancy is going to be the same :(
I have all the sypmtoms going, sore boobs, toilet trips 50 times a day, the tiredness :sleep: and now the being sick!!!!! Oh what joy being pregnant :) no really its brilliant, and I am pleased I have all these as its my last baby so wanna experience it all as much as possible :dance: :) :) :)
My sickness was relentless last time, it's great for showing you things are going well but after a few weeks it wears you out :(

Hope it eases soon x
Exactly, This time I know all is good, had an ectopic 8 weeks ago and then didnt even feel pregnant, have a scan due next week to check all is where it should be but with all this I know the little bean is in the right place :)
Congrats chick! Sounds like everythings where it should be :dance:

My sickness was bad this time up until 14 weeks, sickness bands helped, and eating small regular amounts. Its rotten when you feel so pukey isnt it! But still exciting
I started using the sick bands at 22 weeks with 2nd, wished i had known about them earlier!!! My mate has just finished using hers and has passed them on th me :) just hope they start working soon!!!!
Aww i hope you feel better soon. Do you have boys or girls so far? or one of each? xx
I have a 10 yr old lad, and a 5 year old girl, they will be 11 an 6 when bean is born, my partner has a 5 yr old lad an a 4 yr old girl, so every other weekend is hectic :)
Hmmm maybe your having another girl then xx
that was what i was saying to my other half today as i am really off food, really into eating shop made sarnies and cereal :) so maybe...just maybe :) xx
I lived off cereal with my little girl :lol: just not frosties :puke:
I lived in Australia for two years and came home when I was 6 months pregnant last year, the only thing that helped my nausea was sea sickness acupressure bands! I would feel sick going into the supermarket too, every time! Guess what? I went into Tesco this afternoon and started to feel sick immediately - the human body is so weird!
I was very ill when PG with Niamh, and I found having something as soon as I woke up helped. Morning sickness is caused by your blood sugar dipping too low, which is why it occurs quite frequently in the evening.

Have a packet of ginger biscuits next to your bed, and eat one before you get up. Also try peppermint tea, flat coke, and if you can't eat then innocent smoothies. Ice lollies were also great for me.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

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