So uncomfortable!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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Hey so now coming up 21 weeks but baby is still sitting so low. constantly getting pains in my back, hips and low down in my stomach :(
Walking round the house just doing simple things and ill need to stop after 10 minutes. I'm still needing to get a new job but the rate I'm going im pretty much useless :rotfl: anyone got anything that may help? Paracetamol, hot water bottles aren't doing much xx
Someone said to get a yoga ball - one of those big bouncy ones. I used it from 30ish weeks. I wish I used it earlier!!! It was soooooo comfy! I got big with my son and I had many twinges and pains low throughout pregnancy and it definitely helped :)
Someone said to get a yoga ball - one of those big bouncy ones. I used it from 30ish weeks. I wish I used it earlier!!! It was soooooo comfy! I got big with my son and I had many twinges and pains low throughout pregnancy and it definitely helped :)

Sure i still have one from my previous pregnancy may have to dig it out of the loft
You might be starting to suffer from SPD - perhaps ask your midwife for a physio referral?
Little update

Ended up in our day case part of the ward, bump is extremely tender to touch and every time baby is moving it is causing more pain. They think its muscular but want me to try the pain relief for a couple of days but if it doesn't help i need to go back in :(

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