some people

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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are SO inconsiderate

i have just had a woman on facebook tell me that 'ultrasound is torture for my baby' and i really should just 'trust myself and my child to have a healthy pregnancy/life'

what utter pap! Of course there is NO medical studies suggesting such a thing, she has said it is 'fact' that ultrasound causes Aspergers, well considering NOBODY knows what causes aspergers i reckon thats a little bit of a rich statement.

grrrr its really annoyed me.
Good grief! Get her blocked and reported. No-one asked for her ill-considered opinion anyway.

Why some people think they have the right to do this I don't know.
I just posted a link explaining how air is bad for you and we have all been conned into breathing it... that they had it right in the 'old days'

and the moral of that story - dont believe everything you read!
My brother has Aspergers and not ONCE has anyone said this is because of ultrasound! That makes me angry!

she is pissed off because she sent me an email a few weeks ago saying 'my ex boyfriend doesnt understand boundaries because he is aspergers, etc etc. I said to her that i think she needed to label exactly what boundaires she needs from him and protect herself while being really clear with him (coz i have always found that helps with aspergers)

she got really shirty with me and refusing to discuss it, just saying she 'knew' what was best because she had read lots of information on it, i said that i had grown up with an aspergers member of the family but would step away now because my well-meaning advice was not being taken as such.

So now she is just going on a bout all this unfactual CRAP that she has read in some dodgy conspiracy theorist novel or something and its putting it forward as fact!

grrr some people. If you cant back up what you are saying, just dont bother saying it IMHO
Omg! Some people are just so rude iv had ppl telling allsorts
Too,not about this but just unnecessary crap! and it's out of order, get her blocked her opinion isn't valued and there is no truth in it whatsoever. X
Omg what a cow! My friend has aspergers and she was born before they did routine ultrasounds lol she is talking outbox her A hole!!

My midwife told me that if you get a Doppler to not use it too often as the ultrasound waves are not good for the baby?! Is this true? I suppose what she means by too often is more then once a day. I don't know. Anyone else heard this? Wedont have a doppler but were thinking of getting one.xx
doppler emit a lower frequency sound and a continous one, so they are very different to a high frequency pulsed ultrasound scan.

babies move away from dopplers a lot in the womb so i tended to avoid them as much as possible as they obviously make baby a bit uncomfy, but i doubt the ocassional listen would hurt. It actually reccomends on the box that you dont use them more than 3 or 4 times a week for a maximum of 10 mins.
I think it stresses the baby out cos apparently it sounds like a helicopter I know orlando moves out the way and kicks it lol! A couple of times a week is ok! I checked with sonographer at scan cos I used mine alot up until I felt him move he he!

are SO inconsiderate

i have just had a woman on facebook tell me that 'ultrasound is torture for my baby' and i really should just 'trust myself and my child to have a healthy pregnancy/life'

oh FFS! That kind of stupid comment doesn't even deserve a response from you. Stupid cow.
And doctors just give you things to harm the baby in this day and age- if there was any fact at all in that they wouldn't do them - and if something is wrong and they see it on the scan it could be helped (monitored etc) early and save the baby from harm... So it would do them more good than harm really - - Not that ultrasounds can harm a baby in any way otherwise there wouldn't have been aspergers before ultrasounds where given - Im also guessing she hasn't had a baby yet because would be interesting to see if she has an ultrasound if she does! xx
apparently having ultrasounds now means we dont 'trust' our babies!

well actually, i know many friends who have had twins, breech births etc who have needed a bit more information about what the baby/ies are doing and countless others with babies with small problems like holes in the heart valves...

stuff that with ultrasound you can treat and sort out really early on and without you put a baby through unnecssary pain and stuff!

No one has agreed with her, what annoys me is that she hasnt come out with ONE actual example, study or whatever to show why she feels this way, its quite clear she has read something and subscribed to it (believed it completely) and has no evidence to support herself!

Ha ha, what taddle about trust. Does the fact I go for regular dental checks mean I don't trust my teeth? I kinda feel sorry for her the world must be a scary place if you believe every bit of poorly researched hype that appears in the media and online.
yeah your right! I am just glad not many people believe such ill-informed twaddle - seriously do some research, at least have a cohesive bloody argument
Try not to let it upset you, she should never have said that on FB.

I have heard that the less scans you get the better for baby. I think they're not 100% on the effects it can have on baby. BUT I was scanned between 20/30 x with my first pregnancy and she was born perfect & still is. So try not to worry!

I actualy checked some of the references linked to one of those sites that says ultrasounds are dangerous and the references were real published papers but when you read the details of the experiments they were saying there is no direct link between any problems and the use of ultrasound - the scare mongers were reporting the facts completely back to front to suit themselves - it is very scary what people will believe and not research into the information themselves.

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