Starting the fertility referral

We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I waited about 1. 5 years from my 1st referal appt to my first round starting. I had low amh so was on high dose of drugs. We got 3 high grade embryos and transfered 1 on fresh round. It worked but I had a early mc. We then transferred remaining 2 on FET round and I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant. I have 3 friends who also went to same nhs clinic I did and all are pregnant after a few goes. My nhs clinic has highest success rates in Scotland and really high in UK so guess we are lucky.

Feel free to ask me any questions

Al x

Thanks for the information and amazing that you about to have your little baby very soon.
Hopefully it will happen for us someday.
Trying not to stress over it.
Which clinic did you go to?

Thanks for the information and amazing that you about to have your little baby very soon.
Hopefully it will happen for us someday.
Trying not to stress over it.
Which clinic did you go to?
Glasgow Royal Infirmary, funnily enough in Glasgow. They were amazing! It can be a long journey but worth every day we waited.
Hi paige, Not had appointment yet but received letter with the appointment date which is 17th March. I have no idea what the appointment will entail or what's going to happen.
Yea I dip in and out every now then but sometimes find it hard too.
Thanks for asking about it xx
All right, good luck then. Try not to worry too much. Easier said than done though.

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