Team Yellow Ladies- are you playing the guessing game yet?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Im team yellow and love when everyone guesses what we are having although everyone seems to say girl.. including me.. if bubs turns out to be a little mister he may be a bit upset to know everyone thought he was a she! How are your guesses going? xx
my brother and my dad have both said mine is going to be a girl, nobody has said boy yet just the chinese prediction lol xx
All my family think I'm having a girl. I don't know though. I still think boy. But I don't mind either way. I love this guessing game. :) x
I've had pretty even guesses for both so still no idea... I do keep subconsciously calling it a he though.. o_O xx

EEeeekkk i get all giddy guessing, i dont mind at all if we have a little mister but its loads of fun guessing... the chinese predictor said girl but i don't believe that much lol x
I'm only team yellow until Monday - everyone barr about 4 people think Pip is a he. Will find out in 3 sleeps! Lol! Not patient enough to wait until Pip is born!!
No idea, but don't know if we are finding out yet, going to wait and see when we are in the room.
I'm team yellow until a week Sunday! Can't wait to change to blue or pink! Lol. I thought boy but since 20 weeks thinking girl. Although can imagine them saying boy! Most people guess boy! Xx

Most people guessing boy for us, OH is also desperate for a boy, i'm not fussed either way :) SIL is the only one saying girl :) xxx
I can't wait for Bubs to arrive so we can announce what we have had also can't wait for the moment I can see for myself lol x
Noone guessin yet for us but im convinced its a boy....dunno y just got a feeling x
I've had pretty even guesses between one of each and two girls. I'm about even between the two as well ands no-one has said two boys....................although the one dream I've had on the subject was it being two boys...............hmmmmmmm either way it will be fab finding out on their birthday.....
Twins Twice as much guessing... how exciting... i can wait for the 'its a ___' moment after going through all that pain lol x

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