Theo Lewis - 12/08/08 *Pics*


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Born: 12/08/08
Time: 5:07am
Weight: 8lb 15oz

Well Little man has made his entrance in to the world!it all started on Monday morning. i woke up at 7am went to the toilet (as usual) and there is was... the most discusting thing ever! a show. it looked so gross and me having a very weak stomach, was actually sick in the bath (whilst sitting on the toilet) hee hee hee!

straight afterwards i starting getting period'y pain cramps all down my right side. called OH just to warn him that i "thought" things might be happening and to warn his work

by 1pm they were still there and getting painfull. went to the hospital at 3pm and got checked out they told me i was 2cm dilated,things were happening but it would be a while, go home, have a bath, take some paracetamol and eat some sugary foods!
5pm i was in a lot of pain, and getting 3 contractions in 10mins, and they were lasting for a good and painfull 40seconds! i phoned the delivery suit again and woman on the phone said "well you dont sound as though your in enough pain for me to think your anymore dilated, best to leave it untill you really really cant cope"...

well 11pm came, and i was crying in pain i couldnt cope anymore, again i phoned delivery suit who again said... leave it a bit longer, little bit longer i told them" i cant cope anymore" and they wanted me to stay on the phone and talk to them whilst i was having a contraction. (i am quiet a bashfull person and could not bring myself to cry and be panting and puffing down the phone) she said.... "leave it a bit longer"
i got in to bed and tried to chill, but midnight came and i could hardly walk. told Luke (OH) i NEED TO GO. called ward and told them... "I NEED TO COME IN". they agreed it "might be time" so off we went

when i arrived i was examined and was told... "oooo yeah you are actually 7cm dilted, probably explains why you are uncomfortable" (no S**t sherlock) lol

had some puffs of gas and air, which was totaly usless and didnt help. i eventually couldnt cope anymore and asked for an epidural. (i cant have pethidine as i am allergic to it). i cannot stres how much pain i was in by now, i couldnt cope at all.
they gave me a low dose Epi,,, which.................................

didnt work! and i had an allergic reaction to it, and itched EVERYWHERE, i was scratching myself to pieces.
at 4am it was time to push!
my contractions were so strong and painfull.

i used just gas and air (whihc really did feel uselss.. didnt make me fly around the room in the slightest, haha).

i managed to get through the contractions and midwife was brilliant, was hard work trying to push down and down to mve bubbas head along.was all fine untill babys head crowned. it was so painfull that i could help screaming (whihc i always said id NEVER do) it hurt so much and took so long i felt as though i was splitting to half!

5:07am everything got 1 million times better and baby Theo Lewis was born weighing a wopping 8lb 15oz. he is the most gorgeous baby i have ever seen.. (but then i am bias) i couldn't be happier and he is a little angel. its unbeliable how amazing and perfect he is and to think me and OH made him!

i have to say birth was awful and since i have not slept due to flashbacks, but all i have to do is look at my little boy and i wouldnt have it any other way!

Pictures of My Scrummy Boy -

Theo - 15mins old

Little Dude - 1 day old

Bath Time

Bouncy Chair = 3 days old
Sorry your birth wasnt great but congratulations and like you say its all worth it now! He's gorgeous and love the little outfit!xx
OMG hun you must be traumatised after that ordeal! :shock: You poor thing! I really really feel for you sweetie, but he looks SOOOO worth it he really is a diamond - Handsome little thing bless him!

I think you are so brave going through all that bless ya. Sounds like one nightmare after another :hug:

Hope you're recovering well and enjoying Mummyhood!! :cheer: xx
He's gorgeous! wow sounds like you really went through it, I'm sorry it wasn't a nice experience for you but look what you got out of it!! Well done hun and congratulations :hug: :hug:
Awwww you poor thing... but as you say it is all worth it in the end!!
Aww he's gorgeous!! Congratulations and well done!! Sorry it wasnt a good experience but at least you have a beautiful little man to show for it all :hug: x
you poor girl not getting the pain relief you wanted!!! but at least you have that BEAUTIFUL little guy to stare at all day :) sounds like you did brilliantly!
Congratulations, what a beautiful boy - very alert too, how did you get so many pics with his eyes open?! :lol:

:hug: :hug:

Oh congratulations he is sooooo cute! - He looks really big on the pics, but I bet he's teeny in your arms!

...Grrr I hate it when Midwives try and judge how far into labour you are on the phone...How the bloody hell they can tell like that?...Infact they can't! - I had a Midwife tell me I was no-where near to delivering and didn't sound like a woman in labour and to take out time to the hospital 45 mins away....well I gave birth 30 mins after than phone call, so shows how much she knew! (Good job we phoned an ambulance anyway and gave birth at a local hospital in the assement room just after they got me in there).
Aww he is so cute, well done hun :hug:

Congratulations :cheer:
Wd honey what a cutie! Its amazing how alert he looks for his age...

Congrats bet u cant stop the cuddles now!!

x :hug:
Aww, sorry it wasn't a nice experience, but he is beautiful!

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