Travel Systems - to carrycot, or not to carrycot, that is the question!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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A couple of people have said to me, that when buying our travel system/pushchair, not to bother buying the carrycot bit as:

1) Its a waste of money as they're not in them long
2) You'll end up using the carseat attached to the pushchair, rather than bothering with the carrycot

...therefore making the carrycot bit a waste of money. But today someone has told me that babies should not be kept in the carseat for too long because it squashes their spine and is a bad position for them to be in. Is this true?

Now I'm undecided because the carrycot is £160, which is a LOT of money if we are going to end up not using it. What do you think?
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I used mine for 12 weeks until Isla was desperate to look around. I didn't have a car seat that went in to pram, so she went from carry cot to buggy.
yes its true a baby shouldnt be in a car seat for too long, if your going to have more babies or travel alot to see family id say get the carry cot part because it will get used on the 2nd baby and also will be handy if you out visiting family for the baby to sleep in and you could also sell it afterwards and make some money back if need be :)
It's true that you shouldn't keep the baby in the car seat for too long because it means they're all scrunched up and it means they're more prone to getting colic as well as it not being great for their spine. A lot of the travel systems that I've looked at come with a seat unit that can lie flat if you need, so you might not need to get a seperate carry cot as they can be pretty pricey (I think pretty much all of the ones at Mamas and Papas have this as an option).
i think carrycots r fab, u cud use it instead of buying a moses basket if it means youll defo use it as moses baskets are CRAP anyway lolthey warp in the middle unless u buy a really dear one! xx
I bought my pram because it has the carrycot included. It turns from carrycot into the buggy so don't have to buy it all seperate! :) I do like the idea of baby being able to lie flat while we are out for walks etc!
Depends on your pram, ours goes flat for use from newborn, so we don't need the carrycot

So I'd say it depends on the style of the pram you've gone for :)
We are getting the Quinny Buzz 4, and I'm not sure if you can lie the seat flat - we looked at so many pushchairs that day I can't remember!
This is my 3rd baby and the only reason I got a carrycot this time is because iv never had one before and it looks so nice. But with my other 2 we were tight on cash and the pram went flat so we didnt need one. I think with the quinny buzz 4 they recomend not to use the seat unit til 6 months but tbh its a load of rubbish coz they recline flat they just want you to spend more money half the time. Its really up to you if your going to use it for other children you might have then you will get use out of it plus ppl are allways going to buy them second hand as they are so expensive new so you will get some money back for it after x
me personally would defo have carrycot u might not use it for very long time but as someone said u can sell it after u use it get some money back or keep for future children and a wouldnt have me baby constantly in carseat x
I am using my sisters pushchair, it is a travel system of carseat and pushchair, I love it as I have never had a carseat one where baby can face you before , but if I were to buy one new this time, I would have brought a carrytot one as I prefer baby to lie flat, we use the pushchair soo much and I worry he is sitting in it, (not flat) too much really. hope that helps
Its a shame you don't live nearer, or I would of sold you my carry cot for the Quinny! You should look on ebay or gumtree as you'll pick one up second hand for about £50. I got mine second hand and it was in perfect condition, with box and waterproof cover ect, so you can deff get a good one. Like youve been told, theyre not in them for long so you know theyre not going to be used very much.

I used mine as a basket for downstairs and it was a godsend. Deffintly worth getting one (just not at full price!)
No idea how much truth is in this as it's really only been my family that have given me advice :lol:

But my mum (who has had 5 kids) and a few other ladies I know said that if you can use a carry cot for taking baby out in pram, baby will get used to sleeping flat and sleep better at night..And it's better for growth for baby to be sleeping flat instead of in a car seat x Apparently one of my little brothers slept in a car seat a lot as she didn't have a carry cot, and she used to have to put him in the car seat to get him to sleep and then move him once he fell asleep lol x

I don't have any personal experience tho hun, just passing on what i've been told xx
Like the other girls said baby shouldnt be in car seat too long. I think even when driving you are supposed to stop every hour if on a long journey so they can stretch out. I got the carrycot with mine and even though I know I won't be using it a long time I think it's nice for them to be in one. Xx
I've bought my pushchair this weekend and it's a travel system which comes with the car seat and a carry cot. I wasn't aware about leaving the baby in the car seat for very long (totally new at all this) until the women in mothercare told me. She said unless you're planning on the baby being in the car seat for a short while then you should put them in the carry cot. So if I was to nip in to asda or somewhere for 20mins or so to get some bits n pieces I'd leave baby in car seat, if I was going for a walk or a long shopping trip then I'd transfer the baby to the carry cot.

Also as I was walking to the till to pay for push chair this lovely lady had over heard the mothercare assistant tell me about the car seat bases to by and she turned round and said 'from one mother to the car seat base, it makes life so much easier' so I bought one too. We have two cars so just bought the one to see how we do with and without a base and if, at a later date we decided it's easier with the base, we'll probably end up buying another one.

Ive got a carrycot with my pram (at my parents house) and I wasnt sure at first but now Im thinking its a great idea as can be used like a moses as the girls said. Can pop it anywhere pretty much and baby can sleep :)
Ive got a carrycot with my pram (at my parents house) and I wasnt sure at first but now Im thinking its a great idea as can be used like a moses as the girls said. Can pop it anywhere pretty much and baby can sleep :)

Yeah this is good idea too! :) Means you can use it for baby sleeping if you're at someone'e house or out and about :) x
dam you all talking about carry cots lol
we havent got one and im not buying one new at 160...but i am now watching ebay lol
They are defnately worth getting! I had one this time with my pram (it turns from carry cot to pushcair mode) It makes life so much easier! I used to put Drake in there in the day and he loved it! I could put him down awake and he'd nod off on his own. Like someone said earlier it makes it easier to put them down at night too.

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