Vomiting Mucus (Damien)

Hi guys, does anyones elses baby vomit mucus after their bottle/feed. Damien has been doing this for a couple of days and seems really congested. He is unsettled and wont be put down. He is also spending a lot of time awake all of a sudden. He sounds like he is being sick in his mouth but swallowing it back down sometimes too? he is 3 weeks old now. What can I do about it?

I'm sorry if I seem so paranoid over him :( I dont know anyone nearby I can ring who has a baby
Rubie is suffering from the same. I asked the midwife this morning and she said it isn't serious and just to raise her head slightly other than that there isn't a lot you can do. :(
Jamie used to when he was a bit younger and still does occasionally. i Wouldny say it was anything too serious but maybe worth mentioning to your HV/midwife next time you see her?!

Steph x
Thomas has got that for a week now. The H/V told me to put a blanket underneath his mattress to lift his head up a little bit, to sleep with a window open as long as he is not in the draft. She said to take him out for a walk every day and use saline drops when his nose is bolcked up.

Thomas feeds very often because of that and spits a lot of his food, sometimes vomits it but she said there was not much to do apart from that.

Hope this helps!!! I cannot wait for this to clear up cause he is in real discomfort in the morning and evening, bless him!!!

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