Weight & Lenght


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Oscar saw Pediatrician last week for belated 6 week check. Oscar was about 7lb 6oz and 51cm at birth.
He now weights only 11lbs 7oz, but he's a whopping 65cm long. Must admit, felt a bit worried about his low weight, dispite the fact that I'm exclusively breastfeeding and he still gains on average, 8oz a week.

What was and is your baby's weight and lenght?
Do you think it's worth weaning Oscar on Tunnocks Teacakes? He'll fill out a bit, no? :D :D :D
Blah blah....
Emilia xx :wink:
Do you think it's worth weaning Oscar on Tunnocks Teacakes? He'll fill out a bit, no?
:lol: Why not ;)

Ella was 6lb 8.5oz but wasn't measured until she was 2 weeks old and she was 51cm then. We tried to measure her length the other day and she was about 61cm and she now weighs 14lb 15oz. But my measurements aren't exactly correct as I did them not the HV (her weight is though, although the stupid HV wrote down that she was 15lb 16.5oz in her book and didn't even apologise when I approached her and said it was wrong!).

I wouldn't worry as like you say he's a tall boy!
I wanted Maheen to be measured at birth, but here they don't measure babies!!! :shock: :?
So I insisted a bit and they did, to please me :wink: and she was 53 cm then. Now, I have no idea, they did not measure her last week, at her 6-week check, and when I asked, they said they don't do it, full stop!
I think this is a shame; I can understand they don't do it at all times, but provided there is a chart for it on the red book, they could at least do it at the "official checks" or when you request it!!! grrrrrrrr, it would also help me with clothes as some of them state the length!!! :? :think:

Mel xx
Emilia your getting it all wrong.....you need to wean him on tunnocks Caramel wafers yum yum yum!!!!! :wink:
lol B was 7lb 14.5 oz at birth but i don know his length
he is now 19 lb 7 oz :shock: :shock: and is 71.5 cms long
Rubie was born 6lb 9oz and was 45cm long. She was measured at 12 weeks and was 58.5 cm and was 11lb 9.5oz. She is now 15 weeks and 12lb 7oz
Abi is tiny compared to your babies lol She was 6lb 2 and 47cm born (5 weeks early so a decent size) she is now 15lb 6 and 67 cm and is 6 months and 3 weeks.
Naomi was 48.3cm at birth and 5lbs 8 oz.

Three months later she is 58.6 cm and 11lb11oz. :shock:

I'm doing SOMETHING right :lol:

AND she gets in or around 33 oz a day, not the double her weight thing that I heard someone else's HV told them.


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