Weird rash on my hand

Baby Bean

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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I'm a bit worried cos the past couple of days the tops of my fingers have been really itchy and tiny little bumps have come up. It looks almost like heat rash but can't be as I'm so cold! It's been getting progressively worse - it started on my index finger and is moving along and between my fingers and down my hand. This morning I had to take my wedding ring off as my fingers had swollen up :-( It hurts a bit too - like pinpricks but not all the time. The itcing is is the worst, it's driving me mad! It's mostly on my left hand but a little bit on my right.

I've googled it and I can see that rashes and itching can be quite normal in pregnancy but I'm still a bit worried. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
I have had itchy skin before on torso in previous pregnancy , but sorry have not heard of this?

Hope one of the other girls can shed some light on it for you, hope it clears up soon.
Hiya hun, Im almost certain this is normal and there is a name for it. I read about it today on the net while searching for something else. Apparantly its common on the feet aswell....Cant remember what its called. If in doubt check it out love. ;-)
Baby Bean it sounds like the human hand foot and mouth disease. It's got absolutely nothing to do with foot and mouth disease affecting cattle!! I had this when I was much younger and had millions of wee bumps all over my hands and feet. Incredibly itchy and annoying but I was told it was entirely harmless and it cleared up without any intervention. No harm in speaking with your GP if you're worried, or uncomfortable cause of course I'm no doctor!!
megsmeadow are you calling me a mad cow? lol!:lol: Only joking, that's good to know if that's what it is. It seems to be a bit better today. I always end up with weird stuff, should be used to it by now! Poor little bubba, hope the little bean doesn't inherit my weirdness! :lol:
:whistle: who me?! :dance: yay it's not just me itching anymore! lol, sorry! :lol:
at my booking in my midwife mentioned something about itchy palms of hands and feet, but I cant remember what, I remember turning to OH and saying "its your job to remember all this!" Maybe worth a call to NHS direct if its not better. Hope its just one of those hormonal things!

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