When to get them into a routine?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Poppy will stay downstairs at night with us until we go up to bed about 11-12pm.
Shes nearly 4 months now and I just wondered when people put them to bed upstairs to sleep while there still downstairs and just go up when they cry etc and feed them and then put them back into bed.
Shell still be in our rooms until around 6-7 months as she will then be sharing a room witrh my son and i want her to be in a proper routine before putting her in a room with him.
so when do u norm put them upstairs to sleep, and what time do ur babies norm start there bedtime routine?
I started a proper routine about 5 months, I think I will do it earlier next time. I do:-
6.20 bath, nappy free time and baby massage
6.45 bottle
7.00 bed

He then sleeps til about 6.30-7.00.

We kinda had a routine early on, from about 3 months, she did go to bed in our room but we live in a flat so she did not feel that far away from us, we did not start with a set bedtime etc until she started weaning, everything kinda fell into place for us then
I started a proper routine at about 3 months, a little over, but I let her dictate it, she started going to sleep at the same kinda time, so i worked in a bath time before that time, and then would put her in bed, and as far as feeding she has fed every three horus since about 7 weeks old, I just let her sort her own routine, and she sleeps 8pm - 6am at the moment
i started a routine a couple of weeks back. D is bathed at around half 6 then fed and then has cuddles till half 7 and then goes into our room in his cot he then puts himself to sleep, we turn on the monitors and if he cries then we go in and settle him back down without picking him up and then leave again. Although he doesn't really tend to cry now but did at the beginning! At half 10-11 i then go in and dream feed him and then he doesn't wake till between 6 and 7am.

Before i started the routine he didnt sleep right through but after 3 or so days he just did it on his own.
thanks everyone. definatly going to start the routine tonight! :)
I started a bed time routine when he was around two months old, hes in has been in his own bedroom since he was around five weeks old (hes a noisy sleeper so had to put him in his own room so i could get some sleep between feeds!!). He usually goes up to bed around sevenish in the evening xxxxxx
amelia ws around 4 weeks old when she went upstairs without us and 2 weeks old when she was in her own room she wouldnt settle in ours x i used to go to bed at same time 9 as her till she was about 8 weeks old x
I started charley's routine from day 1 but started putting to bed on his own at 4 weeks old. x.
i generally bath lucy at 1830 then bottle although sometimes she has a bottle before hand and i then top her up after her bath. i then have a cuddle till she falls asleep and put her in her bed at 1930ish. she had been sleeping all the way through till 6 ish (for approx last 3 weeks) but the last few nights she has been waking once or twice for a feed!. how did last night go lilly? i always put the monitor on but cant help checking her quite regularly too!!!. i did try her in her own cot in her own room but i didnt feel happy !! xx
Noa was 8 weeks when we started to put him to bed at 8.30 every night. Now he has a bottle about 7.30 np then bed about 8 ish. We don't have a bath routine or anything. But he goes to sleep straight away x
I've had a routine from about 2 weeks old and let it change and evolve as it happens. Sofia is a very routine type baby, and has always hated it if there's a hiccup. It's nice cos now she has baby rice at 6.30
Then bath then bed by 7.30 so we get the whole evenings to ourselves! And she sleeps through til 7 am. X
We have the same routine as zazu!! And J is in bed at 7 till 7 so like lexi said we get the whole evening to ourselves!!!!!!! However we started at about 1 week with a routine and obviously the place where he went to bed etc has changed over the months!!!!!!!!! At about 3 months he would get irritable if he wasn't doing the routine and now we cannot be out AT ALL after 6.30 cos he loves bed time and his routine so much X
11 Weeks. But I played around with the bedtimes quite a lot after that. Also, His feeding routine changed so much in the months.
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i am really lucky cause amelia will do her routine anywhere and sleep in her pram (it has a safe sleep matress in it) so if we at my mums she can go down but she can stay up a bit later she not to fussy aslong as she has bath sleeping bag bottle bed she is ok x

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