When to start expressing?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Amelia is 2 weeks old now, and I want to start expressing so that I have some milk ready for her in the next few weeks so that OH can feed her every now and then.

I have a couple of the tomme tippee bottles, i found they worked best out of the ones i got for oliver.

now i dont want to introduce a bottle too soo, and then again i dont want to wait too late!

any ideas anyone!?
I know the general rule is to wait 6 weeks until breastfeeding is fully established but saying that- I expressed and bottle fed using standard botles up until Reg was 6 weeks old and finally learnt the art of breastfeeding so it does work to do it earlier for some! :wink: If you really want to use bottles soon maybe start trying say the odd one a day to see how she takes to it. xx
I know they suggest waiting til 6 weeks, but Evie's so up & down with her feeding that sometimes she skips a feed and my boobs KILL and desperately need emptying! So I express... So personally, I think it's all down to your milk supply.

Be prepared for your milk supply to increase though. I don't know about others, but when I started expressing last week AND feeding Miss Evie off the "good" boob, I found I had way too much milk after a couple of days so I had to sometimes leave my boobs full so they realise they're making too much and it got to the point where I was getting really frustrated with the discomfort.

Also, Evie suffered a little bit with nipple confusion so I'm avoiding it now!

yeah dannii - that's what im worried about, nipple confusion.
i dont want abything to get in the way of breastfeeding, so part of me is a bit reluctant to start.

i dont actally need to start yet, but both my boys refused to take a bottle when i stopped feeding them so i doont want that to happen to amelia!

The medela special needs feeder (bottle) is really good for avoiding nipple confusion as milk only comes out when they suck and you can regulate the flow. It was the best thing i ever got, if a little pricey, i could switch back and forward whenever i wanted and he was fine. Safle wrapped it up ready for number 2 (hopefully!)
ooh ill have a look for that! thanks!!!!

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