Starting the fertility referral


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
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Evening all, looking for some advice honesty. We were referred by GP on 20th December for subfertility because my husband has motility and morphology issues. He is 52 I'm 32 all my tests so far have been good.
Went to open day last night about IVF, embryologist said we need IVF and ISCI says he thinks 60-70 % chance of working.
Waiting for NHS referral appointment but considering going private a friend has recommended a place in spain.
-How long from fertility referral appointment did you get IVF treatment?
-How likely is it this will actually work, embrologist seemed positive but I don't want to get false hope.
- anyone been to spain for IVF?
- how intrusive is IVF

I'm terrified this will never happen for us and I imagine alot of people on here are feeling the same.

Any help advice much appreciated
Hi @Rebeccap1988

It’s all a bit overwhelming and in my experience at each stage I needed a few days to let it all sink in. Panic was my first reaction then I’d feel ok.
The NHS waiting list probably depends on where you live and I’m sure if you ask that question they’ll be able to give you a rough answer. As for the 60-70% success rate that will be their true opinion and whilst there’s never any guarantees it’s a positive % to start - due to my age we had only 23% and paid £6k as too old for NHS help)

Bear in mind that many couples need two or three rounds before IVF is successful, and where I live if you’ve previously paid for treatment you won’t get it free on NHS. A few girls on here have experiences of going abroad for treatment so will be able to recommend places.

IVF is emotionally and physically challenging, but after struggling TTC i almost felt better once we started it because there was a series of steps to get through, a system, and lovely people looking after me. Unfortunately it didn’t work for us so we’re back to trying naturally as our fertility is unexplained, and we can’t afford to do it again.

If you search the threads for IVF you’ll find peoples experiences of the medication, the procedures etc. The actual procedures are fine, the drugs are less fun but you don’t care because all you think about is having a baby.

The other thing to mention is that @chattychar1990 may be able to help as her husband had similar issues and with some diet/ herbal stuff she’s just got her BFP naturally. You could also look into male accupuncture if you haven’t already.

Hope that helps.
Hi @Rebeccap1988

It’s all a bit overwhelming and in my experience at each stage I needed a few days to let it all sink in. Panic was my first reaction then I’d feel ok.
The NHS waiting list probably depends on where you live and I’m sure if you ask that question they’ll be able to give you a rough answer. As for the 60-70% success rate that will be their true opinion and whilst there’s never any guarantees it’s a positive % to start - due to my age we had only 23% and paid £6k as too old for NHS help)

Bear in mind that many couples need two or three rounds before IVF is successful, and where I live if you’ve previously paid for treatment you won’t get it free on NHS. A few girls on here have experiences of going abroad for treatment so will be able to recommend places.

IVF is emotionally and physically challenging, but after struggling TTC i almost felt better once we started it because there was a series of steps to get through, a system, and lovely people looking after me. Unfortunately it didn’t work for us so we’re back to trying naturally as our fertility is unexplained, and we can’t afford to do it again.

If you search the threads for IVF you’ll find peoples experiences of the medication, the procedures etc. The actual procedures are fine, the drugs are less fun but you don’t care because all you think about is having a baby.

The other thing to mention is that @chattychar1990 may be able to help as her husband had similar issues and with some diet/ herbal stuff she’s just got her BFP naturally. You could also look into male accupuncture if you haven’t already.

Hope that helps.
Hi, thanks for responding yea I have seen the good news for chattychar and wished her congrats.

Thats good regarding the percentage being good and that they are honest with that.

We are going to wait for our referral and then go again but yes I don't think we will get funding if we have already paid for private.

I hope by some miracle it happens for us at some point wether that be naturally or through IVF but wish there were some guarantees.

Sorry to hear that it didn't work for you, hope you manage to get a BFP soon.

Why does it take a few rounds for IVF to work do you know?
It doesn’t always, some people get lucky first time. But I guess it’s because until you start they don’t know how your body is going to react to the drugs (you get vaginal scan every 2 days and they count and measure the eggs in your ovaries. You could overstimulate so they stop as that’s dangerous) and they don’t know the quality of the eggs until they are removed and mixed with the sperm.
Once you’ve had egg retrieval you wait 24 hrs to see how many have fertilised and fragmented (they get more cells each day and embryologist grades them on quality), that’s day 1. Then Day 3 they phone to tell you how the embryos are progressing, then Day 5 they put the embryo (now called a blastocyst) back in. It can get stopped at any point if the embryos aren’t developing properly. Some people don’t get as far as having any put back. Other people have enough good quality embryos to freeze, which means if they need to do 2nd round it’s much less money and you don’t need to do the growing the eggs part x
It doesn’t always, some people get lucky first time. But I guess it’s because until you start they don’t know how your body is going to react to the drugs (you get vaginal scan every 2 days and they count and measure the eggs in your ovaries. You could overstimulate so they stop as that’s dangerous) and they don’t know the quality of the eggs until they are removed and mixed with the sperm.
Once you’ve had egg retrieval you wait 24 hrs to see how many have fertilised and fragmented (they get more cells each day and embryologist grades them on quality), that’s day 1. Then Day 3 they phone to tell you how the embryos are progressing, then Day 5 they put the embryo (now called a blastocyst) back in. It can get stopped at any point if the embryos aren’t developing properly. Some people don’t get as far as having any put back. Other people have enough good quality embryos to freeze, which means if they need to do 2nd round it’s much less money and you don’t need to do the growing the eggs part x
Wow it's a mind field isn't it all to get that little miracle.
I'm so desperate for that bundle of joy now, every day is a struggle and I kind of just want to forget thinking about it for a while give my mind some headspace.
Thanks for the advice, and I've heard the IVF in spain is a bit more tailored to you that's why it's better.
I don't no wether to wait for the IVF NHS referral or to go private. Theres to much to think about.

What's happening with you how ate u feeling?
Hi Rebecca,

My OH took the following vitamins for around 3 months:

Vit E
Omega 3
Vit C

He done some research himself and these were the vitamins that said improved morphology.

My OH had 1% morphology which is VERY low and these vitamins obviously worked or it was an absolute miracle.

You can get all of these vitamins from tesco (there is a 3 for 2 deal at the moment) apart from lycopene, we got that from amazon.

Let me know if you need any more info.

Good luck hun, its a rough journey xxx

Wow thanks for that he is taking wellman conception an all in one tablet at the moment but not sure if thats got all of that in, il check.

He is between 0.0 and 1.0 so also very low. You are giving me hope though with your news.

Thanks xx

Wow thanks for that he is taking wellman conception an all in one tablet at the moment but not sure if thats got all of that in, il check.

He is between 0.0 and 1.0 so also very low. You are giving me hope though with your news.

Thanks xx
My OH was on Wellman's at the beginning too and it literally did nothing for him. I think the doseage is lower in the wellmans than just taking the ones i mentioned seperately. So maybe when the wellmans is run out try the ones i have noted.
I have every faith that you will get your miracle, if it worked for me it can work for you <3 x
My OH was on Wellman's at the beginning too and it literally did nothing for him. I think the doseage is lower in the wellmans than just taking the ones i mentioned seperately. So maybe when the wellmans is run out try the ones i have noted.
I have every faith that you will get your miracle, if it worked for me it can work for you <3 x
Hi, thankyou you are giving me hope, hes due to finish them quite soon week or so so il get myself to Tesco.
Did your other half take them religiously every day?

Hi, thankyou you are giving me hope, hes due to finish them quite soon week or so so il get myself to Tesco.
Did your other half take them religiously every day?

Like i said the only one you cant get in Tesco is the Lycopene.
Yes every single day religiously with hes breakfast in the mornings.
We both actually stopped taking the vitamins in December though, we wanted a break from everything TTC and enjoyed the festive season, eating and drinking what we wanted and turns out that's the month we conceived.
TTC is a strange and crazy journey!! xx
Like i said the only one you cant get in Tesco is the Lycopene.
Yes every single day religiously with hes breakfast in the mornings.
We both actually stopped taking the vitamins in December though, we wanted a break from everything TTC and enjoyed the festive season, eating and drinking what we wanted and turns out that's the month we conceived.
TTC is a strange and crazy journey!! xx
Absoulty but even though you stopped a
That month they may have still made a difference.
So happy for you and hope what's happened to you happens to me.
Thanks so much for the advice.....what clinic did you go for in the end by the way?

Absoulty but even though you stopped a
That month they may have still made a difference.
So happy for you and hope what's happened to you happens to me.
Thanks so much for the advice.....what clinic did you go for in the end by the way?

I hope you get your miracle too hun.
Always here for a chat if you need.
The clinic we chose was Bourn Hall. Have you had your options yet? x
I hope you get your miracle too hun.
Always here for a chat if you need.
The clinic we chose was Bourn Hall. Have you had your options yet? x
Hi, no we haven't we haven't even had our first appointment yet. We went to an IVF open eve and they told us some information and got told about the 5 places on the NHS and I just wondered where you would of gone considering we have the same problem.
Bourne hall is not that far from me either.
Hi, no we haven't we haven't even had our first appointment yet. We went to an IVF open eve and they told us some information and got told about the 5 places on the NHS and I just wondered where you would of gone considering we have the same problem.
Bourne hall is not that far from me either.
When i done research, and it was alot of hours spent doing this. Bourn Hall was the one that came across the most friendly and the reviews were really good too. The other ones that was on the form however didn't come across very well.
What Bourn Hall is close to you? Wickford would have been our nearest one. x
When i done research, and it was alot of hours spent doing this. Bourn Hall was the one that came across the most friendly and the reviews were really good too. The other ones that was on the form however didn't come across very well.
What Bourn Hall is close to you? Wickford would have been our nearest one. x
It will be cambridge Bourne hall, I've started a little research but it's too early at the moment as we haven't had the first appointment.
Nice to know what you would of done though that's really helpfull. Thankyou for your help.
Wow it's a mind field isn't it all to get that little miracle.
I'm so desperate for that bundle of joy now, every day is a struggle and I kind of just want to forget thinking about it for a while give my mind some headspace.
Thanks for the advice, and I've heard the IVF in spain is a bit more tailored to you that's why it's better.
I don't no wether to wait for the IVF NHS referral or to go private. Theres to much to think about.

What's happening with you how ate u feeling?
If you’re struggling every day chick it’s time to speak to a counsellor. Stress is a big factor (none of us want to hear that but it’s true) and you need to be feeling strong and positive before you start the IVF. I saw a hypnotist and she really helped me let go of some stuff. You also get counselling during the IVF with some clinics x
If you’re struggling every day chick it’s time to speak to a counsellor. Stress is a big factor (none of us want to hear that but it’s true) and you need to be feeling strong and positive before you start the IVF. I saw a hypnotist and she really helped me let go of some stuff. You also get counselling during the IVF with some clinics x
Yea I trying really hard to forget about it I just want to think about anything but babies and TTC at the moment. Want a rest from it all it's completely draining.
Yea I trying really hard to forget about it I just want to think about anything but babies and TTC at the moment. Want a rest from it all it's completely draining.

Hi Rebecca, have you had your appointment already? How did it go? Just want you to know having these ladies here at the forums help me a lot. Not all women understand what we're going through. Definitely none of my friends. Family not too reliable about these things either, they all had normal births.
Hi Rebecca, have you had your appointment already? How did it go? Just want you to know having these ladies here at the forums help me a lot. Not all women understand what we're going through. Definitely none of my friends. Family not too reliable about these things either, they all had normal births.

Hi paige, Not had appointment yet but received letter with the appointment date which is 17th March. I have no idea what the appointment will entail or what's going to happen.
Yea I dip in and out every now then but sometimes find it hard too.
Thanks for asking about it xx
We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I waited about 1. 5 years from my 1st referal appt to my first round starting. I had low amh so was on high dose of drugs. We got 3 high grade embryos and transfered 1 on fresh round. It worked but I had a early mc. We then transferred remaining 2 on FET round and I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant. I have 3 friends who also went to same nhs clinic I did and all are pregnant after a few goes. My nhs clinic has highest success rates in Scotland and really high in UK so guess we are lucky.

Feel free to ask me any questions

Al x

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