Recent content by Lulu_Laroo

  1. Lulu_Laroo

    My beautiful little Poppy flower

    This week she said her first word - 'Cat'. She'll say it whilst pointing to her toy cat, or pictures of cats. She also tries to say 'Dog' but it sounds more like 'deh!'. This week she started standing completely by herself, and will stand unaided for 10-15 seconds or so. I'll be amazed if...
  2. Lulu_Laroo

    Going back to work?

    Poppy is 10 months now, and I always said I would go back to work when she turns One. I lost my job shortly BEFORE finding out I was pregnant, so spent my entire pregnancy not working. So it's been a while! I'm stuck for what to do though - I HATE the thought of going out to work and leaving...
  3. Lulu_Laroo

    Bedtime bottle & tooth brushing

    Now Poppy finally has a tooth, I'm already obsessed with brushing it and keeping it clean! (I was a dental nurse and saw FAR too many tiny children with tooth decay). The problem is, we give her a feed right before bed, and 9 times out of 10 she falls asleep whilst we're giving it to her...
  4. Lulu_Laroo

    My beautiful little Poppy flower

    6th May 2012 - First tooth finally appeared!
  5. Lulu_Laroo

    Congenital Hypothyroidism

    I don't have experience of this, although I'm hypothyroid myself, so Poppy had to be tested when she was a week old. Luckily she was clear of it. xx
  6. Lulu_Laroo

    8 month old still not got much of an appetite

    * she is not waking in the night either. So I'm sure she's fine and just not that much of a big eater.
  7. Lulu_Laroo

    8 month old still not got much of an appetite

    I don't think that Jen ;) I used to give her (or try giving her) more than toast at lunchtime, but she just wouldn't eat it. I was supposed to go and have her weighed today and maybe chat with the HV but it's absolutely pissing down so I haven't. She's happy in herself so I'm trying not to worry...
  8. Lulu_Laroo

    8 month old still not got much of an appetite

    Possibly, although she's not really been a big eater since the start of weaning. She hasn't cut any teeth yet so it has to be some day soon!
  9. Lulu_Laroo

    8 month old still not got much of an appetite

    As most of you probably know, we started BLW with Poppy at 5 and a half months. It wasn't for us, so we switched to TW. She was on two meals a day until very recently (because she just point blank refused to eat at lunchtime), but now she is on three meals a day. However, these three meals are...
  10. Lulu_Laroo

    Making up formula feeds

    Luckily Poppy feeds like clockwork, so I make them up fresh. I did try different ways though, but ended up feeling guilty about it. She's not on as much milk now as she used to be because she's on proper food now. The only thing I'd say is; don't add the powder to cool water, it does need to be...
  11. Lulu_Laroo

    to dummy or not to dummy?

    It's funny how most people are really anti-dummies before having a baby but once they have one they end up using one! I'm not anti-dummies at all, but Poppy only had one for about 1 month max before she wouldn't take it anymore. It's like she suddenly didn't want it anymore after about three...
  12. Lulu_Laroo

    Moving LO on to a beaker/sippy cup

    I should probably add that she's taking two to three 7oz bottles a day now.
  13. Lulu_Laroo

    Moving LO on to a beaker/sippy cup

    Poppy is 8 months old today. I was flicking through my Birth - Five NHS book today and it says it's a good idea to introduce a cup rather than a bottle from 6 months, which we have; she's been drinking her water from a sippy cup for about 2 months now, and at dinner time I give it to her in a...
  14. Lulu_Laroo

    What do you do if LO misses a feed

    I agree with the other ladies :) x
  15. Lulu_Laroo

    Homemade Vs Jars

    Hi! :wave: Re: the ginger biscuit; my Dad's wife gave Poppy one of those pink wafers which I wasn't too pleased about but she scoffed the lot! I've been giving her ready brek with fruit for breakfast or mashed pear and blueberries (which she loves). I've been trying not to use any ready...